Animals in zoos serve more of a purpose then just being a big money earner. They help with research of wild animals, give scientist views of things they could not logically do in the wild, help with conservation efforts via breeding and education, educate the public on the plight of their existence ('cause let's face it, not everyone is going to google the latest wildlife research, findings, news every week like I do), and allow people to see animals they probably wouldn't ever see otherwise. They also help fund conservation efforts for WILD populations. I will agree to an extent that some animals should not be caged. Not all Zoos and aquariums should be allowed to keep animals, that's obvious. For example, roadside zoos or people that are like you and me and want a wild pet. They simply do not have the money and resources the bigger organizations do and they don't care. I am not a big fan of circus shows and the like, I don't think they deserve animals just to be a show prop. I am not a huge fan of "Shamu" type shows either. But really to say that keeping animals in zoos is cruel and should be banned, that'd be a tremendous blow to conservation efforts. I can tell you the animals at the Georgia Aquarium eat better than I do.

These situations are awful and very sad. But that is what happens with wild animals. May the keeper and the tiger rest easy. Very sad all around.