Cameron is going to be a big brother. Mommy doesn't understand why nobody is happy. The entire situation is awful. Awful. Awful. Awful

Daddy is a weight lifter with a penchant for shoooting steroids... and hitting girfriends. He sent her to the hospital twice that we know of. He also doesn't pay his bills (I guess good times at the bar and lifting weights is more important). They are broken up now, but based on their relationship in the past 6 months, they'll be back together and broken up a dozen more times before the baby arrives in this big beautiful world.

My heart is screaming out in anger and pain. This is not a fair situation for a defeneless baby to come into. Mommy has needed therapy for years for depression issues..... now she also has domestic abuse victim things to talk about. Yet she STILL says she doesn't need therapy.

She also hates us at the moment. Apparently we're the not only ones telling her to open her eyes to the reality of all this, but we're the most vocal. We are the ones who won't take her usual BS for an answer while her friends quietly ask if its smart and then drop it. She is really mad at us for not backing down. We've never stood our ground this strong before.

And she is convinced he'll pay half of everything (even though his car is about to be repo-ed due to non-payment). She also has it in her head how cheap it'll all be: everything including child care will come to $500 a month. Never mind my quick local inquiry to child care STARTS at $150 a week for being in some random person's house, and $200 for a fascility. She has NO appreciation of just how much we help her now. I buy all of Cameron's clothes. He's here 40-60 hours a week and she doesn't pay us a penny for babysitting. God, we spend a small fortune on food for the kid since he eats most meals with us. She freaks out on us when we ask her to give us snacks (basically, just buy him $10 worth of granola bars and call it a day) She is ALWAYS broke.

And yet she thinks this baby thing will all work out. She gave away ALL the baby equipment. She has nothing. No crib, no bouncie-thingie, no highchair, no playpen. Nothing. Just the car seat Cam uses. She makes too much money to qualify for any assistance this time. She is in for a very rude awakening. We're not enabling her anymore. Time to wake up, time to grow up, and time to live with your life choices.

Apparently, she was whining to a family member that she missed out on all the "fun" her friends had. Well, sweetheart, you were 18 with a baby. Life stinks sometimes, but you got an awesome kid from being an 18 year old mom. You know that funny, sweet, smart little boy you created? You lose out on fun and get to live through his laughter.... but you need to recognise that first! You are completely clueless with how awesome your first child is!

We also told her in no uncertain way that we will NOT be babysitting for 60 hours a week like we did/do for Cameron. She thinks we're making that up and will relent once the baby is her. Ummmmmm, no. Its not an option for us. Hubby has too many doctor appointments, too many issues with his PTSD. To be honest, Cameron is more than he can handle; and basically, you give him a Nintendo DS and he's invisible for hours... he's self-helping too: He gets his own food and drink. Puts his clothes on, and uses the bathroom all by himself. We love and adore Cameron. We would do anything for him. We know we will love this child too. Its just the whole situation is too sad for words.