Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
Maybe if you are offered the job, you could work something out with your current employer, particularly if you have any sick or vacation day accrued ... Sounds like it could be a good opportunity!
I'd thought about that (currently have 4 vacation days remaining) but I know for a fact that she won't do that... At all my previous jobs, any unused vacation days I had left upon giving my two weeks notice was tallied up and I was given a check for the vacation days remaining. She has already made it clear this does not happen at my current job. I also do not get any sick days (well unless I use a vacation day...). We also don't get overtime... if I work more than 80 hours on a paycheck, they cap the check for 80 hours and any time remaining gets "rolled over" onto my next paycheck...

Not to mention the health insurance option they offer us is terrible (HSA account) and there are really no other befits worthwhile besides my 401k they contribute to.