Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
You need to keep the dog away from the mother cat and any kittens. Some dogs have a strong prey drive that is very difficult to eliminate. The safest thing to do is keep the dog and cat separate, and get the cat mother spayed so she doesn't have more kittens. It may be difficult, but if you do not, you risk losing the remaining cat. If you can, confine the cat to one room, and do not let the dog in that room. You can then work with your cat, but you may consider finding her a new home once she is spayed, just to be safe.
I second this.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda, it doesn't change what has happened. What the OP needs now is guidance and education on how to deal with the current situation at hand, not finger pointing. You attract more flies with honey than vinegar. Troll or not, someone, somewhere, may have this same question and take the advice in this thread.