Quote Originally Posted by Edwina's Secretary View Post
A gun exist to kill. Kill. Mostly people. And if you get a fancy enough gun - you can kill lots of people very fast. Guns have no other purpose. They were not invented for sport or for protection. The only "protection" they are perceived to offer is to kill. They were invented to kill.
I have fired guns many times. I never killed any one or any thing with one. I grew up with guns in the house, and was taught to respect them. Target shooting is a sport. Not one I am very good at, but it is a sport, and doing it well takes skill. Heck, it is an Olympic sport! Police are trained with guns, and trained when to shoot to disable a suspect, not to kill him or her. A gun can be used to do things other than kill. Honest. And the noise from a gun can frighten off wild animals without killing them.

No gun can kill many people as quickly as a single explosive device can. Like a land mine left in place years after a war is over that can go on killing and maiming without any human help. No gun can do that.

Guns are not good. Guns are not evil. Guns are tools.