Quote Originally Posted by Edwina's Secretary View Post
Perhaps require people with concealed weapons to wear a special patch?
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it was the NRA executive vice-president who spoke about starting a national registry of people with mental illnesses. Would that include anybody who has ever taken an antidepressant or an anti-anxiety med? Heck, I've been a citizen of the Prozac Nation- do I need a special patch? H'll probably want a national registry of introverts next. We're quiet, thoughtful and some people consider us a little odd. All characteristics of the perpetrators of these tragic shootings. Maybe I need a patch for that too.

Seriously ... yes, there are things in my life that I regret, and things I would love to do over. But I'm not about to go out and start shooting people. I am trying to do a better job at not dwelling so much on past things, but to use it as a way to live differently in the future. I'm grateful for encouragement (and the occasional, virtual smack on the back of the head) from my PT Friends!