Quote Originally Posted by chocolatepuppy View Post
With this, I felt you had something you wanted to say to me, sorry, my mistake.

What a funny place, in the gun discussion to mention posting on the DOTD/COTD/POTD. Forgive me if I didn't understand that. I did use the >< . BTW, I try to reply to most of them daily.

I do not live in fear. I mentioned several times I doubt anyone would break in my house at night with my dogs here.

I don't want personal attacks either. You twisted my words of seeking help if you live in fear into me saying anyone who disagrees with me needs therapy. I didn't care for that.
Yes. I know you reply often on the "of the Day". I wish more people did. There are some people who only post in non-pet threads - especially the Dog House. I am sorry if you misunderstaood that.

I didn't care for the suggestion that people who do not like guns need therapy. I am more angry than fearful. Resentful in fact. Do not twist that into some mental imbalance needing therapy. But nonetheless - I do not know a person who does not have some fear. I would think someone without fear is more in need of therapy.

But once again...and I guess every time someone tries to make the connection between guns and vehicles...the purpose of a gun is to kill. The purpose of a vehicle is to move people or goods from place to place. If used correct a vehicle does not kill. If used correctly a guns does.