Quote Originally Posted by chocolatepuppy View Post
Exactly. You may have seconds to react if someone's on their way in, should I waste that dialing 911?

I might shoot myself? My dogs? Cats? I'll take my chances.
I once was listening to a guy talk about a shotgun for home protection.

I had this vision of shooting one inside of a house and just how much damage it would do.

That's not really protecting your home?


Just flipped the channel to MSNBC and heard a woman talk about her daughter and signing a press release at the beginning of the semester, so, if the child was approached by the media after any event, she would be allowed to talk to the press.


I hate cars because people get drunk and kill with them
I hate money, because it causes gambling.
I hate cameras because they can be used to record porn.
I hate porn because it makes people go to strip bars and throw money at women.
I hate cars because the are used to drive to the strip bars.
I hate money because that buys the gas, to get to the strip bars.