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Thread: Scared to go potty outside

  1. #1

    Unhappy Scared to go potty outside

    could use some suggestions with this.
    Athena has been just fine since she came home months ago; then about 3 weeks ago there was a fireworks display on the boardwalk we were walking on, and she flipped! But once home she's been fine. Then just this past week she has decided that our yard is a very scary place, and refuses to potty there, she just tucks her tail and tries to get back in the house. Any noise sets her off, none or our neighbors should mow their yards, also dogs barking at the end of the street, people talking inside their homes with windows open, evil man eating crickets!
    If I walk/drag her to the community dog potty area she will pee or poop, but not both, and all she wants is back home.
    I have tried treats, and taking her out with the other 2 dogs, none of it has worked.
    I can say that she is not scared of the van and loves to go to the park, even thought all the same noises are there. But that is not an option for every time she needs to go potty.
    Any idea how to get her over this. She is losing her house breaking because of it now.
    I just got a Thundershirt, going to try this, but it doesn't seem to be helping much.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    You need to persist with her, and get her to focus on you, instead of on the noises around her, whatever they may be! Have you done any obedience training with her? What does she like - what will get her attention? Treats? Toys?

    This is going to take persistence on your part, keep taking her out, for as many walks as you and other family members can, and make each one a happy, fun time. Don't do it "just" at potty time, but whoever you can. If and when she does her "business," great - praise praise praise! But ever time you go for a walk, take her out on the leash, and as soon as she starts to act spooked, stop and have her focus on you, have her sit, give paw, whatever, praise and then walk 5 more feet. Keep this up - you might feel ridiculous, but this is not forever, and hopefully after a few days, you will be able to get further and further before she notices those noises, or even cares. Make yourself way more interesting than whatever else is happening, whether with a clicker, or teeny treats, or a squeaky toy ... and praise when she's good! Eventually, she'll come to see it all as a good thing.
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Oh, and does she know or like fetch? Playing that outside can be fun, too! "Outside is where great things happen, Athena!"
    I've Been Frosted

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Houston, Tx. U.S.A.
    When I first got Becca, she was a little skiddish. Kinda held back in the Breezeway while Sneakers went out.
    Anyway, I saw her looking at a Squirrel which was across the yard. Told her "sick um" and sorta pushed her a little.
    HA, that's all she needed ! Now, she won't let anything in the yard, goes out on her own and just sits there occasionally, just daring a Squirrel to get on HER grass.

    All she needed was a job
    Sneakers, Becca, Ichabod & NA'vi

    Dogs know that you love them, whether you own them or not
    If you’re not watching FREE TV, you should be !


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