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Thread: Juni & Chloe are going on Prozac for a while

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    So sorry it did not work out, but at least you tried. And as long as they each have their own separate place to be, maybe peace will continue. It's too bad, really, but you have done the best you can, and more than many would have done.
    I've Been Frosted

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Washington, DC USA
    Sorry that things didn't work out. The only other thing I can think of is trying amitriptyline (Elavil). Some animals react well to that, but it does cause drowsiness as a site effect.

  3. Edwina is impossible to pill and don't even think of squirting something in her mouth. She is now on a maintenance drug and the vet ordered it compounded so I rub it on the inside of her ear and it is transdermal.

    She does not look forward to her twice a day ear rubs but she tolerates it.

    Could you ask your vet if that is possible?

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by sasvermont View Post
    These two Abyssinians are horrible to pill. I can't even catch them, that's how bad it is. They wiggle out of my arms, scratch, bite, kick, scream. Really. You MAY be able to pill them the first time you catch them, but from that point on, they will run from you when you go near them. They have always been that way. It has to be on their terms. Right now Juni is on my lap as I type. She would not be here if I had a pill in my hand. I can just about get flea treatment on them each month.
    First- I am so sorry it didn't work out. And about the pilling- you are so right. Filou was impossible to pill and I am so glad I did not have to try with Orion yet. Once in a while these days (he is a little allergic) I see a bit of fuzz in his eye- it is impossible to get it out although it does not hurt and the little boy is ready to picked up. But once my fingers approach the eye, the wiggling and scratching and kicking starts.
    Plus: Abys are so dainty - you are always afraid you could break something and they take advantage of that
    However, I hope you find a solution.

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont

    The ear thing!

    I will talk with the vet about the cream form. If I do it, I will ask that they kick up the value of the drug, as these two are high strung and difficult at best, to treat.

    Yes, Barbara, they are dainty. Chloe is bigger than Juni but they are equally squirmy to handle. They were ok at the vets this past time, but every now and then the vet gets the towel out to wrap one in it before they begin the procedure.

    I will keep you posted!

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    I throw these ideas out there for consideration.

    I have heard that the transdermal application, at least as to prozac, does not work.

    Multi food stations and litterboxes (more than we humans might think we need) seem critical.

    I did notice some relief with the calming collars.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont

    What are calming collars?

    Thanks for info, Cat, I shall investigate the collars. I did put a liquid that was for disfusers, on a collar and then on the cat and all I got was a cat with sores on her neck! I looked at the bottle and it said not to put it near the cat's skin! LOL! S t u p i d g i r l !

    I think maybe another medication, transdermally, might work. Something more potent!

    I will keep you folks informed. Thanks for the help. I know I seem like an idiot in that I cannot catch my cats to give them the pills. You have to see them in action to appreciate them!

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    I have read this entire thread and I am exhausted.................for you!!

    How I wish that I had a good solution to offer you. But it looks as though
    you are getting the best advice from other pt'rs.

    Let me contribute some wine - at the least, along with my best wishes
    you find a solution for these beautiful kitties.

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    I'm sorry to hear that things didn't work out. I know how frustrating it can be when you've pretty much tried everything and nothing works. Before I adopted Finnegan I decided to buy two Sentry Calming Collars for Pearl and Ziggy. They're covered in a powder which I didn't like and when it comes off it's very messy. They didn't seem to help either one of my girls. The only thing that I did notice was that they weren't eating as well as they should. It was like the collars made them lose their appetites. I took the collars off of them after about 2 weeks or so and they're appetites became much more normal again. Luckily things around here have calmed down and Pearl can now be out with both Colby and Finnegan without me having to worry about them. I know that there will always be squabbles or small fights but this is just the reality that I must face since I have 8 cats now. All in all they're very good cats and get along fairly well. I hope that you'll be able to find a better solution soon. Good luck.

    Maybe a thundershirt could help them. Here's a link about it:


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