Well, my sister in law got a new foster dog and a foster snake in the last couple of weeks, so it was my turn. If he survives the night. Meet Chamomile....

One of my customers found this guy out on the street in front of her house. He's less than a day old, SUPER dehydrated, he's got heatstroke, BAD sunburn on his feet, nose, and tail, one ear is torn half off and infected, and he's premature to boot. She brought him to my store and I volunteered to take him on. My sis in law was wonderful enough to come get him from me on her day off and bring him to the vet she works for. He got subQ fluids, the tiniest prescription of amoxicillin EVER, a probiotic, silver sulfadiazine cream for the burns, and a warning not to get too attached.

Despite all that...he cries when he's hungry, he eats well, he pees and poops (there's blood in his urine and his stool right now, but it LOOKS like the urine at least is returning to normal color.) and he seems to feel much better now that the cream is being applied regularly. I thought he deserved a chance. He also looks much less dehydrated now than this morning.

So please, any prayers or good vibes that could be sent his way would be appreciated. I know PT prayers can do wonderful things. He seems like such a little fighter.