I've been having severe pain in my left knee. After getting fed up with my PCP just writing script after script for pain killers, I went to an orthopedic surgeon. I not only have Osteoarthritis in my left patella (knee), but after an MRI of my left knee, I also have a Medial Meniscus Tear. I have an appointment for February 3rd to see him and discuss my options.

I don't scare easily. But after googling it and finding out what Arthroscopic surgery is all about, the recovery time, etc., I'm scared. Depending on the severity of the tear, I could be on crutches for a while and have to go to physical therapy. I live on the THIRD floor, drive a STICK SHIFT and have A LOT of cats to worry about!!! What am I gonna do????

Has anyone here ever had knee surgery like this??? I'd like feedback on what to expect as well as their experiences.