Last night, around 9, Mordred let out one of those awful myoaw's that signal something is wrong. I rushed to find him in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet lid. On the toilet tank, there was a small dish with bleach water; I was letting a dirty fingernail brush soak. I thought he perhaps lapped some of the water, didn't like the taste, and let out that godawful sound. I took the dish & emptied it, remembering that bleach is recommended as a disinfectant for contaminated water, so i didn't worry - yet! Later, I realized that only a couple of drops are added to water - and that dish was probably 1/3 to 1/2 bleach. At 5:30 this morning, he made a similar, though less intense, sound, which had me out of bed in an eye-blink. He and Blue ran to the kitchen, I put down some dry food, and they both lit into it. When I got up later, he ate again. So far, so good.

However, Mordred loves to drink out of the bathroom faucet. When I'm trying to do my "morning ablutions," I have to move him out of the way. Then I go to the other bathroom to put my contacts in - and he's right there. (So far, I haven't dropped a contact onto his fur, but i can see that day coming!) This morning, he didn't come in while I put my contacts in.

I called my vet's office and was directed to the Pet Poison Control Center. After much research, the nurse there said to look into Mordred's mouth for signs of a caustic burn; if found, then other burns farther along could be possible. However, she did the math and felt that the dilution wasn't strong enough to cause this. Just to be safe - I'm running him down to the vet at the end of hours to have him give Mordred a quick look. He's not showing any of the signs the poison-control nurse mentioned, but this is Friday - with the weekend coming up, I'd feel better. I'll update when I come back.