Charlie was adopted from a shelter and his original name was Calvin. He really didn't respond to that much, and I started saying, "Sorry Charlie" to him all the time because my (RB) Scooter Bug wouldn't play with him. He seemed to like being Charlie. So, Charlie stuck. Oh yeah - and there was a song out by Miranda Lambert called "Me & Charlie Talking" and because Charlie is the talkiest kitty I've ever seen, really - he walks around meowing constantly - I thought Charlie fit for a multitude of reasons. He's definitely a Charlie.

Jingle Belle was a foundling 3 days before Christmas and my best friend helped me name her. We wanted something pretty and Christmassy. Most old-time PT'ers remember when we found her, lol. Hubby brought her in, we took her to the vet that day and nobody replied to our signs we hung up... YAY us!

My RB Scooter Bug was originally Fizgig. Actually he was "the little no-named kitty". I was NOT going to get attached to him because I already had 3 other kitties when the neighbor brought him to us. Then I thought of Fizgig. Well.. I'd sit in the bedroom watching tv on my bed and he'd sit at the end of the bed and sort of scoot up an inch at a time, until he was on my shoulder and then bug me to pieces... so he named himself. He was my heart kitty. It has been 2 years (and 3 days, Jan 23, 2010) since we had to say goodbye to him.