the other thread about things your cats worship got me thinking about what their quirks are. I have to laugh at some of my cats' quirks. I wasn't laughing last night when they were doing hte quirks, but I can this morning..

Pouncer will dip his paw in and out of the tissue box to wake me up in hte middle of the night. Do you know how loud a tissue box that's being pawed at 2AM can be? Its loud! If tissues are not around, he will try to get into my litter bags and smack them around. The litterbags are shopping bags from walmart and such. They crinkle and make a ton of noise. It actually is quite affective to get my butt out of bed.

Mikey is absolutely determined no glass shall remain upright on the table. I learned to drink out of plastic cups with a lid and straw. He also will not allow me to do anything in the bathroom myself. If I accidentally lock him out while I'm showering, he'll meow his head off. Then I let him in and he has to have constant eye contact on me. If I close the shower door, he'll paw it to slide the glass himself. He'll jump in the shower as soon as the water is turned off. He also has a love affair with the laundry basket. Filled with clean clothes or fresh from the laundry... he HAS to jump in it.

Mystic thinks hubby's soduko book is his personal cat bed. The book comes out, hubby enters a couple numbers into the grid and Mystic plops down on the book.

Flutter thinks its great fun to nock anything off the dresser. Your lipstick? swoosh! The cell phone? Plop! The bottle of aspirin? Plunk and roll under the dresser. I have had my hair rollers pushed off the edge and into the litterbox more tiems than I could count

Trixie has to be petted at night. and if you stop, you will get meowed at loudly. pet pet pet.... zzzzz.... MEOW! pet pet pet....... ZZZZZzzzzzz...... MEOW! She also thinks everything that happens in the house has to incllude her.

What are some of your cat's quirks?