Maggy has been suffering with a NASTY Hot Spot..Took her to the vet they gave me an anti fugal cream,It has not worked,Took her back they gave me Climax(Antibiotic)Its not working.If i had a camera i would take a picture so you could see the extent of her wound.Its on her left back leg,It smelled terrible a few days ago,I have been putting her in the bathtub the warm water seems to sooth her,Maggy is not the easiest dog to to do anything to.So with her not fighting this it must make her feel better.I trimmed the hair around this spot,There was still little hairs so i went to shave her,I shaved a little bit and dead skin came off...So i did not continue.She has not really been bleeding,Its more puss filled/looking than anything.She has not lost appetite or anything,Id love some imput if someone has dealt with this.And suggestions would be grateful.

I'm at my wits end,I don't know what else to do.I put polysporin cream,Then read not to use cream the area needs to dry up.Im a paranoid mom.It looks terrible..Size wise its about the size of a baseball,Its not a little spot like most dogs get.Now with Maggy she always been a picker and has tore herself appart more than once,The last few years we have kept her on Allergy medicine and has seemed to work.It's not flees or anything like that they get treatments every month.I'm frustrated and hate seeing her in any pain or discomfort.

Any ideas,Home Remedies,or Peace of mind is much appreciated!