As a person with a severed ligament that will never heal I think supplements are a bunch of bs. Whether or not its going to heal well depends on how much is still close enough together to stitch itself back up. Its not the supplements helping these dogs, its the time and rest. My ankle ligament was completely severed from a fall 6 years ago and its still painful and I couldn't have surgery because I do not have health insurance. I do not think I would wait for supplements to work if there was a bad tear. The truth about supplements is, if the injury is already there, its too late. Supplements take time to build up. Same with glucosamine for old dogs, too late to start after arthritis. I'm not saying small tears need surgury, but large ones should probably get it. Ligaments very quickly lose elasticity when in the same place too long. As far as older dogs go though, I would not put either of my old dogs through another surgery at this point. They would get pain meds and rest. Surgery is hard on an old dog.