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Thread: Found 7 stray puppies

  1. #46
    All fingers and paws crossed here for a puppy to get adopted!
    Forever in my heart...

  2. #47
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Well, the last adoption I told you about didn't go through. However, I got a call last night from the shelter asking if I would like for the puppies to be in 2 Christmas parades. They will be pulled in a wagon, and a couple of them may be adopted through that. Maybe someone will see them and want them. Also we are thinking of adopting Cosmo. Actually I'm pretty sure we ARE going to adopt Cosmo.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Wow, thanks for keeping us updated - and who wouldn't want to adopt these babies right off the parade wagon!
    I've Been Frosted

  4. #49
    Oh no, only one puppy got adopted? I wish I could take one. I'll continue pawsitive thoughts your way to get these puppies homes.
    Forever in my heart...

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by sumbirdy View Post
    Well, the last adoption I told you about didn't go through. However, I got a call last night from the shelter asking if I would like for the puppies to be in 2 Christmas parades. They will be pulled in a wagon, and a couple of them may be adopted through that. Maybe someone will see them and want them. Also we are thinking of adopting Cosmo. Actually I'm pretty sure we ARE going to adopt Cosmo.
    By the way, can you go out and buy a bright piece of ribbon for each pup so they can each have a pretty bow for the parade? And that way people can say "Oh, I'll take the one with the red bow" etc., and besides, what could be cuter, right?
    I've Been Frosted

  6. #51
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    By the way, can you go out and buy a bright piece of ribbon for each pup so they can each have a pretty bow for the parade? And that way people can say "Oh, I'll take the one with the red bow" etc., and besides, what could be cuter, right?
    I'm not the one putting it all together but I'll ask! That would be cute. The woman who is putting it together called me and they are going to be in a large cage with wheels on it. There are going to be lights on it so people can see them and a sign that's says something like "We're adoptable" or something similar to that.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    May 2005
    FINALLY one of the puppies has found a home! Jack went to his new home today. (For some reason Jack is the only one who has ever had people interested in him) He is now living in Texas and is the dog of an 8 year old boy who is about to lose his grandfather. His mother got Jack for him to try to help ease things. I can understand that. Dogs are good listeners for kids. And I think Jack will do great living there, he loves kids and he's very sweet and gentle, but he's also got a big bark, so he'll make a good watch dog later on. I really miss him already, and so does Nathan, but I've been preparing myself for this for a while, ever since I got them. And I don't guess it isn't as bad seeing them go one at a time as it would be seeing them all go at once or something. I just really do miss him.

    A little update on the rest of the puppies, although it seems crazy calling them puppies since they are getting so big. The smallest is 25 pounds. They are all doing great. They are leash trained and are learning sit and stay. I'm not making as much progress as I would like since I have a group of them so it's taking longer. A week before New Years Biscuit was running in my neighbors field (they have access to it whenever they want with permission from the neighbors, the dogs see it like an extension of our yard) when some hunters (who weren't supposed to be there) shot him. I took him to the vet and the bullet came very close to hitting his spine but luckily it only went through muscle, and he's completely fine now except for a couple of scars. The neighbors have put up cameras to try to catch who's been hunting on their land. That's where they raise their horses and they don't want people hunting there possibly scaring their horses or even shooting one. So until the hunters have been found the pups aren't allowed in the field (much to their dismay). Other than this everyone is doing well, getting bigger and eating their weight in food everyday. lol

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Congrats on Jack getting a home. It must have been so scary when Biscuit got shot! I hope they catch those hunters soon!

  9. #54
    Join Date
    May 2005
    It was really scary. And it makes me really mad. I don't see who could do that, he's too small to be mistaken for a deer, plus he's got a collar on, they must have known he was a dog. It made my neighbors mad too since they have signs posted telling people not to hunt on their property. Biscuit was brave through all of it and earned himself a new chewy bone. The pups sure wish though that they were allowed back in that "big yard"

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