
I have two cats, Purrl (7 year old female), and Sebastian (1 year old male). It turns out that I am severely allergic to my cats! I am on lots of allergy meds now, but I cannot have them sleep in the bed next to my head like they used to, or I will end up in the ER. We have to close the bedroom door at night to keep them from sleeping next to me. Purrl hates being closed out of the bedroom. She keeps trying to claw her way into the room. She has actually torn the carpet in half down to the sub-floor trying to get in!

We've put down rugs to protect the carpet, but Purrl's clawing and crying keeps us awake at night. We've tried everything we can think of:
  • Spritzing her with water
  • Doing the "mother cat" discipline by holding the back of her neck down and hissing at her
  • Using a boundary spray that is supposed to keep cats out of areas they shouldn't go into
  • Using an anti-scratching spray that is supposed to keep cats from clawing at things

None of these work - she just plows through them all!

Some nights, she doesn't act out at all, whereas other times, she tries to get in all night. It's painful to hear her so miserable, and my husband and I don't get much sleep.

This has been going on for four months now... any suggestions? Declawing her is not an option, nor is adopting her out to someone (I inherited Purrl after my dad passed away).

Thanks everyone!