Last night, right before I was getting ready to shut down for the night, I was typing a quick comment in one of the threads here. The next I know, I'm looking at my wallpaper that's on my screen. What the heck??? Thought I accidentally logged myself out, and when I went to get back on, I couldn't get in to Google, and I had a notification from them that they detected suspicious activity on my account, logged me out immediately, and told me I had to change my password. Yikes!! So I did, and then went to my email where there were delivery failed notices to 14 people on my contact list. The mail that got blocked was just a link, but darned if I would open it to see what it was. So just as a precaution, I sent a new email to those 14 addresses and explained that it DID NOT come from me, and what had happened. I'm hoping that none got thru to other people on my contact list tho, that Google didn't catch. Does anyone know if that could happen?? - some would deliver and some wouldn't?
Now I'm rather spooked by this - this is the first time that this has ever happened to me. It's rather ironic, that just yesterday I said something in an email to a friend, about not joining FaceBook, and one of the reasons was because of the breached security issues that I've heard about, and I didn't want to take the chance of being hacked there.
I have the bad habit too, of not logging out of my Google account when I shut down, so when I log back in, I can go directly to Google. That bad habit got stopped last night after I got everything straightened out, and I will log out of Google all the time now.
Has anyone else had any problems such as this lately? Nothing is safe anymore!