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Thread: Has anyone everheard of a St. bernard Pitbull mix?

  1. #1

    Has anyone everheard of a St. bernard Pitbull mix?

    My Pit is pregnant from my saint . I was wondering if there is anything special i shuld know. does anyone have pix? I couldn't find any online

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Get your dog to the vet right away, as the size disparity between the two breeds could cause a problematic pregnancy, and a difficult-at-best delivery. And there's no way of knowing what the pups will look like, which parent - if they survive, they will favor. I would reccomend getting your Saint neutered right away, to prevent any further accidental pregnancies.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Binghamton, New York
    I agree with Karen, a definitely trip to the vets is in order. And you definitely need to get your dogs fixed, ASAP so this does not happen again! What are your plans for the babies??? You definitely need to trhink about this now, before the puppies even arrive!

    I didn't slap you, I just high fived your Face!
    I've Been Boo'd!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sunny Florida
    I realize you are smiling but I think most of us readers will be There are more than enough mixed puppies/dogs out there sitting in shelters waiting for homes to be bringing more into this world. I surely hope that you get your pets fixed. I also agree with Critter Crazy and Karen, you need to get you girl to the vet ASAP.
    ~Traci, Duke, Champ, Chopper and Ryleigh

    On occasion I have been know to speak Chopperese.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Please neuter your St. Bernard ASAP!
    Last edited by *LabLoverKEB*; 08-25-2007 at 11:13 AM.

    Kaitlyn (the human)
    Sadie & Rita (Forever in Our Hearts) (the Labbies)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Northern California
    I just wanted to add- It is very possible to spay your Pit now even if she's pregnant. We've done spays on dogs in heat to dogs well into their pregnancy. In many cases, it is the better of the two evils. Please consider this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    As others have said, I'd get both of your dogs spayed and neutered ASAP. Puppies are very cute and exciting, but there is no need to bring more poorly bred dogs into this world, and especially mixed breeds at that. There are far too many unwanted dogs out there and dogs with temperament issues because of people breeding unethically. The only people out there who should be breeding dogs are the ones who are willing to do it properly with health certifications and such with a goal in mind to better their chosen breed.

    As far as the puppies' mix, there is zero way to tell what sort of temperaments and appearances they're going to have.

    Journey - 2yr old Australian Shepherd
    Ripley - 5 1/2yr old Doberman
    Dance RN CGN FM - 7 1/2yr old Toller

  8. #8
    You need to get your dog to a vet right away!!!!!!!!! there is a huge size difference between a saint and a pit bull. gawd I hope you're joking. that's just wrong that you're smiling about that!!!
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    BC Canada
    I agree witht he above posts.. You need to get your dog to the vet right away, the size difference between the two breeds you mentioned could be very bad for your pittie. To avoid this from happening again, please spay and neuter your dogs
    Rainbowbridge- Tikeya 'forever loved'
    Owned By Luna, Prudence, and Raven

  10. #10

    I've seen a Pit Bill/St. Bernard Mix

    I've seen a pit bull/St. Bernard mix, the father was the pit bull for the one I saw and the mother was the St. Bernard. The puppy was shaped liked a St. Bernard but had short hair and was brindle like a Pit bull and as it grew generally looked like the biggest Pit Bull you ever saw, because of the jowls, but even when I last saw it at six months of age(when it weighed 76 lbs already and wasn't done growing) it was sloppy and friendly like a St. Bernard,just looked scary as h---.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Pensacola Beach,FL
    Interesting mix. I really hope you get BOTH your dogs to the vet right away and have them BOTH spayed/neutered! Yes, you will be aborting the pups, but you will be doing more good them you know. For eseveral reasons...

    1. I cannot stretch enough on how many homeless dogs there are in humane societies. Especailly mixed breed dogs.

    2. Having your dogs spayed/neutered will improve their overall health and could help add a few more wonderful years to their lives.

    3. The Size difference in these breeds are both the puppies and the Pit Bull mother. Unless you would like to run a high risk of having dead puppies AND mother dog PLEASE spay her right away.

    Schedualing an emergancy spay like this is not a hard thing to do! Please call your vet or any vet right away! It could mean the life of your dog!

    Yes, puppies are an exciting thing to witness grow and develope. If you are really interested and think you can handle the emotional stress and the financail stress of raising a litter(yes, they take a big chunck out of your wallet) please become a foster parent at your local humane society. They would be thrilled to have a temparary home for a momma dog and puppies to stay until they are old enough to find homes.
    Owned by two little pastries!


  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Saint Bull
    My Pit is pregnant from my saint . I was wondering if there is anything special i shuld know. does anyone have pix? I couldn't find any online
    I'm definetly not smiling.
    Get your dog to the vet, the puppies may not be able to be delievered because they might be the size of Saint Bernard puppies, too big to come out of a Pit...that's sad that they got pregnant Please get your dog neatuered and your pit spayed as soon as possible...I am esspecially upsetted by this because I rescue dogs that are about to be euthanized from the pound frequently, some of which come from an accidental litter and are brought to the pound, about to be killed because of the human who let the mother dog get pregnant instead of spaying her

  13. #13
    this thread is a couple of months old, I doubt the OP is coming back..hopefully all went well for the dog though.

  14. #14


    So I grabbed a puppy from a friends litter cause he has to get rid of them and it'd be nice for as few of them to die as possible. We thought the puppy might be pit/st. bernard. We know the mom is a pit, but we know nothing about the father. Reading this thread however I think maybe not, there were 0 complications during labor. However, the puppies are huge and have St. Bernard markings, is there a way I could tell? I was also thinking that a Pit/Boxer puppy? might look like a a Pit/Bernard puppy?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by joeerror
    So I grabbed a puppy from a friends litter cause he has to get rid of them and it'd be nice for as few of them to die as possible. We thought the puppy might be pit/st. bernard. We know the mom is a pit, but we know nothing about the father. Reading this thread however I think maybe not, there were 0 complications during labor. However, the puppies are huge and have St. Bernard markings, is there a way I could tell? I was also thinking that a Pit/Boxer puppy? might look like a a Pit/Bernard puppy?
    Do you have any pictures?

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