Okay, so... I didn't bring home the right puppy. LOL!

When I got there to pick up Doc, she was very disgruntled over which pup she truly wanted to send me home with because she wanted me to have an awesome show quality pup. Nat, the one I was supposed to come home with, had a pretty funky rear end. She couldn't decide if it was something he would grow out of, but he had a great front end and a side gait. However, Dylan had an amazing front and back end and a decent side gait. She said you usually don't get both out of a dog because of the way the body has to be built for a front and rear end. She also said that when looking into breeding (because both dogs will be able to get their championships no problem she said) that she would rather have a soundness of front and rear because that is something that takes time to build in a breeding line, while side gait is rather easy to breed into the line. So she would start with soundness. But she left it up to me. Dylan was my original one and after talking with Zac, I let him know about how awesome he had been the whole time I was there, how easy he moved with me when we were gaiting to look at his soundness, and how my breeder said that she thinks he has great obedience potential. SO...

We came home with Dylan AKA Doc. Lol here we are on our way home.

He slept the whole two hours and only whined for a second once. He is an awesome baby!


Also, his registered name is Pokatalica Toujours Laudace. Which means always audacity.