I was pet sitting for my friend Nancy's cats. I worked with this beautiful, recently spayed little girl. She started to purr. Only problem was I needed to put eye ointment in her eyes twice a day. She HATED it!!! I finally got her used to it. Nancy came home and took over. That was the beginning of the end.

Nancy asked me if I would try and work with the cat at my house and I agreed to. Before I took her home, I asked Nancy to help me clip her nails. I told her how to hold her. That cat went balistic!!!! She kept lurching for Nancy's face! I kept trying to get in between to prevent her from biting Nancy's face.

The cat is going back to where she came from to live in a heated barn. I thought for SURE I could get her to turn around.

I know alot of you are wondering why I didn't wear gloves. Gloves are very cumbersome. I never could've gotten a good grip of her, and she would've gotten away. At least it's a happy ending.