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Thread: Meanwhile news... :)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
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    Meanwhile news... :)

    I thought I could stop by and see you guys. Well, my monthly exams have started, quiet sad they have started since I really hate them, Three exam sessions a year are more than enough but not for our school head-mister. My class teacher turned out really nice. She is frank and treats us like her younger sisters after all she's just 22. Tomorrow is my Arabic exam and please pray it goes well, I am really not Little Miss Perfect in Arabic. Our English teacher (class teacher) says something a lot that I do not like, I am not supposed to use contractions so I have to say do not and can not stuff. She says we all will fail English exam. She keeps saying that. I always used to get highest in English but for some reason not so very good in English this year. Hope I pass because failing in English is QUIET bad, and its a main subject and if a person fails in it in the final exam, SORRY stay in the class you just studied I hope I do good this year.

    Well, i am poofed with the studies, just wanted to say, great weather in Pakistan, winters are finally here. Came here like a few days ago. Windy and cold, One Down enjoys the weather as he seems more than happy these days. I will update some of his pics soon. Maybe like in the next post, I'll try my best. My school has changed A LOT! Loads of changes since my cousin and class-fellow left the school. Anyway, we are thinking about buying some fish, I do not think I would in winter, they would die then, I would rather buy them in a warmer and better weather like in February or something, Also I wanted to say, my brother's wedding is like two months away, So excited. My sister-in-law is so nice and she will get my room, My sisters and I share the same room. So my sis in law gets that room, I do not mind at all!

    Well, i have taken out sometime, actually loads of time for PT of course can not resist to not have a peek at the POTD, COTD, DOTD and of course, pettalk!<3 Also wanted to say, my teacher (computer) had an accident and she broke her leg and I think the arm was fractured too. And my class weren't so nice to her the day before so we all felt a lot horrible, our old maths teacher, she has left the school also came to school and we found out that she had broken her leg too! That's because she fell off the stairs and before that two of our teachers fell from the school stairs but did not break anything, one had a swollen hand and then other was fine, Thank God! A lot of casualties. Our co-coordinator said that there were two casualties and my sis thought two teachers passed away! Happy to have stopped b but gotta go, the Arabic book calls me,

    See you all later and prayers and hugs to all!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Hope you did well in your Arabic test! I am sure you will. If you ever need help in English, do turn to us, after all, many of us are native speakers, and there are many editors and writers among the Pet Talk crowd who would be happy to help, I bet!

    You must be excited about the wedding plans, it is good that you like your future sister-in-law! And I am glad One Down is enjoying the cooler weather, I know I certainly do!

    Study hard and do well!
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Good to hear from you Sana! Keep up the good work in school. I know you'll do well. I hope the wedding turns out nice.
    Forever in my heart...

  4. #4
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    Thanks Chocolatepuppy and Karen, and of course Karen I would always ask help from you guys My English exam is quiet near, this one is easy even though my teacher says I will fail, I might be able to memorize them. The next exams will be little hard, and so I will ask help then because I will not be able to memorize them because of the preparations and so I would need you guys to tell me the shortcuts and other ways! Thanks for suggesting!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Good luck! Thanks for taking time to say hi...your poor teachers that got hurt! I hope they heal soon.

    I know you will do really well on your tests. And yes, you'll get lots of help on the harder English lessons here.

    Just one thing for now: Instead of "quiet", it's "quite".

    "quite sad"

    If there is no noise, or you are in a peaceful place, it is "quiet".

    I mention this in case this word is on your English test. I know you will do well!
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  6. #6
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    Thanks Catty1 for the correction and I always used to get confused there, good that you corrected me

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    English exam tomorrow and Arabic one went good, I am hoping I will get good marks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by sana View Post
    English exam tomorrow and Arabic one went good, I am hoping I will get good marks
    Wombat paws crossed to bring you good luck tomorrow

    "I'm Back !!"

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