I am back. I did a thorough cleaning of the upstairs litterboxes, and all areas of pee happenings. I also put down tin foil in an area that seems to be a favorite spot, with a bowl of food on the side of the tin foil. Then, I again tampered with the medication doses. I now have both of them on 1/4 tab one time a day (perhaps this is half the amount normally prescribed) with plans to take Sonic off of it completely in a few days.

Call me crazy, but, I have been pee free for a few days now. I do notice that Molly 'leaks' a little. I have pee pads on the bed, where she tends to hang out, and that has helped. I have still confined her to Jonah's room at night, and I am not sure that will remain constant, or not.

I am going to stay hyper viligant on the cleaning of the boxes, keep the tin foil where it is, and hope to report back in 30 days that my house has returned to normal. Sigh...can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

Trace- since you spell neighboring 'wrong', (just teasing!), I am guessing you are not an american. That, and you put the money denomination in something other than USD. Nothing gets by me. I don't know if you can order/get shipped OdorXit to Australia? If you can, I would buy some and clean according to instructions.

I also had a friend pass me this link: www.indoorpet.osu.edu. I encourage you to read up on it, it has some great tidbits!!