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Thread: Clomicalm?

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  1. #1


    Hello - I am new to this forum and wondered if anyone has used Clomicalm for cat separation anxiety? In fact, is "Clomicalm" the actual name of the med, or is it called "prozac"? We have tried prozac before but that did not work. We also tried Feliway, Rescue Remedy, all sorts of herbal things. Basically, we used to have 3 cats, and 2 have since passed away (old age). Our 9 yr old now gets stressed out when we leave for vacation. She is Ok for about 2 days, then she just gets absolutely stressed out and pee's and poo's outside the box anywhere (not medical issue). We keep her in a very large cage when we leave now. I'm thinking maybe Clomicalm will reduce her anxiety while we are gone. I realize we likely would have to get her on it for a time before we leave, and maybe just keep her on a low dose indefinitely if it works and no side effects.


  2. #2
    Hi and welcome to Pet Talk! Yes, I have 4 of my cats on Clomicalm and have for years w/no side effects whatsoever. I originally started them on it for pee wars; I had two males who sprayed and then two others followed suit. I was just about to lose my mind when my vet recommended Clomicalm. They each get 5 mg. at bedtime; it doesn't drug them at all, just keeps them calm and best of all, no pee issues. It was originally made for dogs w/separation anxiety but vets are now recommending it for cats as well.

    I wouldn't be w/o it. I tried several other meds before Clomicalm. One of them worked for a little while but Clomicalm has never stopped working. My vet said that it might take up to 6-12 weeks before it started working but that hasn't been the case here. It started working almost immediately. I think that you'll be happy w/it; just give it some time just in case it does take a while b/c all cats are different.

    Good luck and please keep us posted. It's tough to go somewhere knowing that our furkids are stressing and missing us but Clomicalm solved the problem for me.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  3. #3
    Thanks so much for your reply. Our cat I think just needs something to take the edge off a little. Some of the other drugs we have tried in the past changed her personality too much, zoned her out. Getting another cat is out of the questions right now because she takes Proin for her bladder and also a special food since she develops crystals at the bat of an eye.

    I'll keep you posted!

  4. #4
    Mary - no constipation or change of personality for your cats on Clomicalm then? That's good. How do you administer the pill? Can you crush it in the food or do you have to use pill gun?


  5. #5
    Nope, no changes in personality whatsoever and no constipation either. No problems at all or I would've taken them off it. I have blood work done once a year just to be on the safe side but they've been on it for approximately 6 years now and all is well.

    My cats are easy to pill so I just tilt their heads back and pop the pill in but do whatever works for you. I buy the 20 mg. pills and cut them into quarters so that they're so small the cats barely notice when I pop a pill in. Just be sure not to miss a dose; that's key, and if you give it to them at bed time, they'll be calm and most likely will sleep through the night, no night time antics. As I said, it doesn't drug them, just prevents their nasty habits. Boo, my blackie, has a bad gag reflex so I give him a little dab of Cat Lax to coat his stomach a little and to help it go down smoothly and that works just fine. Specs, my Maine Coon, gets dosed morning and night b/c he's a big boy and he's more prone to act up. If you could see him, though, you'd never notice a difference. He's completely alert, active and a general pain in the patootie. LOL

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  6. #6
    Great, thanks! Our cat only has problems when we leave for longer than say 3 days, so hopefully it will calm her separation anxiety while we are gone.

    I wonder if we can just dose her for the time we are gone, maybe start a few days before hand, and quit after we return? I guess we will figure that out on a trial and error basis. Do you know if it's ok to just stop the med? 5 mg seems like a pretty small dose.

  7. #7
    Hi Mary,
    I have two cats (two male & female burmese, love them to death) for over 4 years, they been really good since the first day I bought them into the house.

    About 3 weeks ago, neighbor two dogs came right to my glass sliding door (few times actually), might have to scared the cats. They strated to spraying all over the places (microwave, kitchen bench, curtain, wall..etc)

    I got very angry with cats at first, but after reading & research from the internet, it seems a stress or anxiety symptoms.

    Took them to the vet to get them checked to make sure is not health related & the vet given Clomicalm, they started ther treadment last night, and make them sleep (they make me upset to see them like that).

    I just hope the medication will help them calm and stop the spray, I WANT MY CATS BACK!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    If they are still seeming sleepy tomorrow, call the vet and ask about lowering the dose. Different kitties metabolize drugs differently, and it's basically a trial and error and adjust sort of thing.
    I've Been Frosted

  9. #9
    You may have to play w/the dosage for a while until you get it adjusted. Also, I give it to my Fur Posse only at night. They don't get drowsy; they just chill out. I hear them playing during the night, etc. They get 1/4 of a 20 mg. tablet and that does the trick. It sometimes takes a while for it to begin working but it worked immediately for my cats. Check the dosage and if it's higher than 5 mg., talk to your vet about lowering the dosage. It's been a godsend for me. Good luck and let us know how you make out.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    I was unsuccessful pilling my cats. I went with something different, and have had HUGE success with it.

    Background- nine indoor only cats.Life was harmonious. I added Molly, an adult stray, and all heck broke loose. The introduction was slow, I do not believe that was the cause. Contemporaneously with the addition of Molly was the fostering in my garage of two cats that I don't believe were box trained. My garage reeked!! So, I think it was a combo of too many cats for my household and some marking against the cats in the garage.

    After ruling out health issues, and cleaning up daily pee- everywhere...and I mean everywhere...I was told about nurtureCALM 24/7 collars. They are a sustained release of Pheromones, with the understanding they will modify certain behaviours (separation anxiety, marking, destructive behaviour and aggression). LOL, I had 3 out of 4 behaviours in three out of ten cats.

    I bought the collars for three cats, put them on them (which isn't easy...), and noticed a difference within HOURS. HOURS. One cat panicked with the collar and got it stuck in her jaw- which freaked me out. I got it released, and she was fine. The other panicked and scritchy scratched for a few days, and now ignores it. The last one? Not sure she even knows she has it on her, LOL.

    That was on Feb 3 or Feb 4th. Fast forward to Feb 23rd...I started to notice pee, again. UGH! So, yesterday, I went and bought three more collars, and put them on them again last night, the 25th. This time, the only one of them freaked out (cause you have to restrain him to put the collar on...), and again, it SEEMS like we are golden again.

    I haven't found any pee since I put them on the cats again, and none of the aggression or stalking that I had been seeing before collars.

    I bought the first three for $18/each. I bought these second sets for $14/each. I want to try to replicate the collars with soft breakaway collars, and am exploring Catty's and I think Moosmom's idea of spraying Feliway on to the soft collars.

    I am not against medication, at all. But, for me, medicating three cats was simply impossible to do. I have medicated cats before...many times, and my RB Tex was on thyroid meds for 6 years. Twice a day, no problem. Some cats are stinkers. Some cats pill easily.

    I encourage you to look into the collars.

    Good luck!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
    Hi and welcome to Pet Talk! Yes, I have 4 of my cats on Clomicalm and have for years w/no side effects whatsoever. I originally started them on it for pee wars; I had two males who sprayed and then two others followed suit. I was just about to lose my mind when my vet recommended Clomicalm. They each get 5 mg. at bedtime; it doesn't drug them at all, just keeps them calm and best of all, no pee issues. It was originally made for dogs w/separation anxiety but vets are now recommending it for cats as well.

    I wouldn't be w/o it. I tried several other meds before Clomicalm. One of them worked for a little while but Clomicalm has never stopped working. My vet said that it might take up to 6-12 weeks before it started working but that hasn't been the case here. It started working almost immediately. I think that you'll be happy w/it; just give it some time just in case it does take a while b/c all cats are different.

    Good luck and please keep us posted. It's tough to go somewhere knowing that our furkids are stressing and missing us but Clomicalm solved the problem for me.
    Hello Medusa

    I was researching for quite a while and at last I found your posts about clomicalm and your cats. We have trouble with our eldest cat who have started spraying everywhere after our two kittens got a bit older. He was fine with our first cat, but all things changed after she had kittens The reason why Im contacting you is a bit unusual as I am from UK and Clomicalm is for whatever reason not legal for cats and as the strongest medication you are advised to have Feliway or Zylkene. Well none of these worked for our cat and at the moment we are just soo desperate. We love our cats very much and dont want to give anyone away. It is doo frustrating as we have to investigate where did he spray every morning and I think we are getting more stress than him. Every morning we just want to strangle him, but of course we have to be nice and dont punish him as it would cause even more stress. I dont even know if I want to cry or scream. I really want to have a normal life again. It is costing us just more and more money ( we had to get rid of our sofa, my monitor, bean bags, some plug sockets as all those and other things he pissed on ). Well my question is: Is there an any change you could buy and send me that medication to UK for my cat? I can pay via paypal for example. I am just soo desperate that dont know what to do...


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    Yeah, well, not working. I have had pee nearly every single day, sometimes two times a day. This am, I woke up to pee on the bed, and pee on a pillow that had fallen to the floor at 6 am, and peed on by 7 am. UGH. Molly was laying in her own pee on the kitchen floor yesterday. Pee on pajamas in the bathroom that Saturday morning. And, on and on. 'Fraid I am again at my wit's end.

    I had tapered off their meds, beginning Friday morning, but it seems impossible that this could happen so quickly. Needless to say, Molly got 'full strength' this am. I will begin locking her in the bedroom overnight, too.

  13. #13
    Hi All,

    New to this forum, but I know how you all feel.
    I have 3 house cats (2 bengals- M&F and a russian blue X -M) - all gorgeous cats and fantastic temperament. Never aggressive towards eachother or anyone else.

    We had a bad experience with a house sitter (didnt empty the litter trays for 3 weeks while were overseas). Came back to 3 very stressed cats and a house that stunk! Lucky we have mostly tiled floors, otherwise carpets would have been wrecked!

    We've spent a fortune on cleaning products ... floors, walls, surfaces, blinds, soft materials on the floor (towels, mats etc), computers, TVs, speakers ... nothing has been safe

    The 2 bengals are still very stressed and spray alot round the house. Partly linked to the stress, and also neighbouring cats keep visiting, which isnt helping.
    We tried feliway before with minimal success, but gnna try it again anyway (cant hurt - right)?

    Looking at going on Clomicalm for somewhere between 1 and 3 months - the problem is that our vet has quoted $74 AUD for 30 tablets .... for 2 cats for 3 months is almost $450AUD! Ouch!

    Any advice gratefully received! Trace

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    I am back. I did a thorough cleaning of the upstairs litterboxes, and all areas of pee happenings. I also put down tin foil in an area that seems to be a favorite spot, with a bowl of food on the side of the tin foil. Then, I again tampered with the medication doses. I now have both of them on 1/4 tab one time a day (perhaps this is half the amount normally prescribed) with plans to take Sonic off of it completely in a few days.

    Call me crazy, but, I have been pee free for a few days now. I do notice that Molly 'leaks' a little. I have pee pads on the bed, where she tends to hang out, and that has helped. I have still confined her to Jonah's room at night, and I am not sure that will remain constant, or not.

    I am going to stay hyper viligant on the cleaning of the boxes, keep the tin foil where it is, and hope to report back in 30 days that my house has returned to normal. Sigh...can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

    Trace- since you spell neighboring 'wrong', (just teasing!), I am guessing you are not an american. That, and you put the money denomination in something other than USD. Nothing gets by me. I don't know if you can order/get shipped OdorXit to Australia? If you can, I would buy some and clean according to instructions.

    I also had a friend pass me this link: I encourage you to read up on it, it has some great tidbits!!

  15. #15
    Hi Trace

    I live in Australia also and have recently placed one of my cats on clomicalm. My vets charging $60 for a full bottle which is 60 days supply. Further with your cleaning issue, I can sympathize here also- try trigene. You will probably have to ask your vet to sell you this- it's $50 a liter but it's extremely strong Abd you dilute it. It's actually the stuff the vets use to rid the smells and disinfect.

    Hope that helps

    Quote Originally Posted by tracemul7 View Post
    Hi All,

    New to this forum, but I know how you all feel.
    I have 3 house cats (2 bengals- M&F and a russian blue X -M) - all gorgeous cats and fantastic temperament. Never aggressive towards eachother or anyone else.

    We had a bad experience with a house sitter (didnt empty the litter trays for 3 weeks while were overseas). Came back to 3 very stressed cats and a house that stunk! Lucky we have mostly tiled floors, otherwise carpets would have been wrecked!

    We've spent a fortune on cleaning products ... floors, walls, surfaces, blinds, soft materials on the floor (towels, mats etc), computers, TVs, speakers ... nothing has been safe

    The 2 bengals are still very stressed and spray alot round the house. Partly linked to the stress, and also neighbouring cats keep visiting, which isnt helping.
    We tried feliway before with minimal success, but gnna try it again anyway (cant hurt - right)?

    Looking at going on Clomicalm for somewhere between 1 and 3 months - the problem is that our vet has quoted $74 AUD for 30 tablets .... for 2 cats for 3 months is almost $450AUD! Ouch!

    Any advice gratefully received! Trace

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