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Thread: Kitten Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    long island,ny

    Kitten Help


    Iam new to this and finding things out as i go and some days a bit to late.One day i woke up and in my backyard was a mom cat and 4 kittens she was nursing. I put food out since the mom looked skinny-each day she would bring then around and soon all but one kitten(still nursing) was eating canned food, i do not live in a good neighborhood for 4 kittens no matter how good mom was in trying to hide them, they were seen and sprayed with a hose by my next door neighbor (the big kitten hunter!) they all scattered but found their way back to my yard and were ok
    I was loaned some traps and got the mom and her kittens all in one night.Mom cat was stuck in kitten trap so i put her in a borrowed cat carrier but i came to find out vet wont take her to be spayed in it-tried to transfer her but she took off-was able to spay 3 females and neuter one male kitten and actually get 2 adopted -while i had the kittens in the house was able to learn how to use a drop trap for the mom-got her trapped-called the vet and they now inform me it is to late in the day(1130am) to bring her in that i should have gotten her earlier! i said was i suppose to put a note on the trap letting the cat know to be in by 9! So i called another place and they took her first thing the next morning-she was in my shed in her trap for 2 days healing -while she was the people that came to get the kittens that were adopted lifted one of the cages and the tray slid out and kitten got loose -i was so sick-had to go borrow a kitten trap again and put the kittens litter box out there plus the mom was still(or so i thought) in my shed -kitten ran to my backyard where they normally hid so i set the trap and went to check on mom cat -she is gray so it was hard to see-we went to get a flashlight and she wasn't there! somehow she worked on the sliding back door of that trap knowing her baby was out there and she got loose ,later that night i checked kitten trap -kitten was in it went to go get him and mom was in the bushes watching us so they had been together -broke my heart to take him away from her again.
    Now I have a problem-i have two kittens left( about9weeks old) and i can not keep them -one being i have two dogs, one is a Great Pyrenees with back leg problems that i take care of-and the second is iam finding out that iam allergic to something with the kittens i am itchy and have hives and just came back from drs who asked me if i had any new animals in the house!
    The kittens are litter box trained -spayed and have their shots-but i have to keep them in a cage it is horrible because they are coming along so nice and i cant do anything more for them -we are stuck were we are.
    I need someone or somewhere i can bring them so they can get the rest of the attention they need -i can not let them loose -they eat off my hand and love to play -they would not make it in my neighborhood with traffic ,dogs and neighbors who are do not like cats.Iam the only one taking care of them but itching and hurting also.
    Any help you could give me would be appreciated -i would also sponser then for as long as needed.
    Iam on long island ,ny if anyone can help!

    Sorry this is so long but it means a lot to me - this is more them someone needing to dump kittens somewhere.

    Thank you
    Last edited by mydd; 08-23-2010 at 09:05 AM. Reason: they were all adopted! :)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Would your new vet allow you to put up a notice?

    Also, if there is a no-kill shelter in your area, they might be willing to take the wee ones.

    Thanks for getting the mom spayed! She may still be scared, but she won't have unwanted litters any more. I hope she gets friendlier with time, and can possibly be rehomed.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    long island,ny
    thanks catty -am waiting for a person to pick them both up for adoption today!they will have more room to play and get out of the cages-they were trying so hard to run around this morning in them i felt bad ,now they are sleeping like babies so hoping everything goes well!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Great news! Is this a shelter person, or the person who will adopt them?

    prayers all goes well - and I hope they get neutered soon.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    long island,ny


    the person taking 2 of the kittens runs a cat sanctuary, he built this place in memory of his son and takes cats and kittens in, right now he is had to stop taking cats since he doesnt want them not to have their own spaces-
    the 4 kittens i did have spayed(3girls) and neutered(1 boy) and then had the mom fixed who iam still feeding when she comes by for breakfast and dinner and then someone who we know adpoted the other 2 kittens into her home.

    I do miss them !

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Lovely story, thank you SO much for helping this family!

    I am sure mom cat thinks she did not NEED help, lol, but we SOMETIMES know better. It is great that she is spayed, so not more litters!

    Wow, you got a LOT accomplished, good for you!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    long island,ny


    thanks! felt good to help them even though i was a nervous wreck trapping them and trying to somewhat tame the kittens-was happy knowing they were fixed before i gave them up so there wont be more kittens.
    Are any of your cats from feral moms? The cat that is named Mandy that you have looks like two of the kittens i semi tamed we named them Boo and Princess they were all black and the other two were white with black markings they were adopted first so i didnt have alot of time with them but the black ones much more calmer.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Thank you so much for all you have done for this little kitty family! God bless you.
    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    long island,ny
    ty phesina! i appreciate it-would do it all over again if i had to
    they were so cute and i do miss them

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