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Thread: anyone else suffer from chronic insomnia??

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I agree with liz and Pomtzu. It sounds like you are taking way too many meds, and I'll bet they are all in conflict with each other. Each one wants to be in control - so it ends up that none are.

  2. #17

    drug interactions checker

    I use this site to check on my meds.... drug interaction checker

    I checked on the xanax, and it gave a different generic name, so that's NOT what I'm on.. there were a lot of interactions it said to look out for.

    There are still interactions it said I need to look for with Seroquel and Lunesta together... said it can make it stronger effect basically.

    I didn't add in the newest one the doc wants me to take because I'm just not sure I want to add yet another medication.

  3. #18
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    Even a pharmacist can be a good resource of drug interactions - they work with meds all the time!

    I'm inclined to agree with the over-medicated thought. Given the side effects all these can have, you may want to get a second opinion...does this shrink do nothing but push pills?

    Has either your GP or psych suggested a sleep study? It's for more than just apnea. If the type of insomnia can be pinned down more exactly, then it's easier to treat.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  4. #19
    No one ever suggested a sleep study. I wonder if that would do anything. I know they end early in the am... I'd be just falling asleep at that point, lol.

  5. #20
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    A sleep study would do something. Get a referral and they can answer all your questions. They can monitor what your brain is doing while you are trying to sleep.

    My case was very simple - and included commentary on my meds. I am SO glad my GP suggested it - or I would be living the rest of my life with meds that treated symptoms and did little to address the cause.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catty1 View Post
    A sleep study would do something. Get a referral and they can answer all your questions. They can monitor what your brain is doing while you are trying to sleep.

    My case was very simple - and included commentary on my meds. I am SO glad my GP suggested it - or I would be living the rest of my life with meds that treated symptoms and did little to address the cause.
    Wonderful idea!! As Candace says, even if you don't sleep, those electrodes will provide lots of information.

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by jenn_librarian View Post
    This is just getting crazy. I know a lot of it has to do with the fact that I don't get enough exercise during the day, but when I'm awake in the middle of the night like this, it just drives me nuts.

    I'm on all kinds of sleep meds (lunesta, seroquel, xanax to relax me, and the doctor is adding another one that needs to be taken with benedryl to work right). I'm just so fed up. I take nothing and I'm awake for DAYS. I take meds, I'm awake, but not for days, just hours until I collapse.

    I know it will be better when school starts, but at times like this, it's so frustrating. I've tried every over the counter med I could find, the homeopathic, you name it I've tried it. They don't work. I wonder if part of my issue is the fact that I take antidepressants during the day (plus the abilify and seroquel are antidepressants, but tranquilizers, taken at night).

    Frustrated and just TIRED!!!
    I suffer from insomnia also, and I have not come up with a solution. It's been really bad lately.
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  8. #23
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    I have to agree with all who said you might be overmedicated. If you weren't on Zanax it might have been Ativan (lorazepam ) or another type benzo but I find it strange that any doctor would be keeping you on that or many of the others you mentioned. Benedryl to go along with the meds? Isn't Benadryl used for allergies? Maybe you should speak to your doctor about going to a sleep clinic, they could get to the root of the problem. Sounds like you might have some kind of sleep apnea and maybe you are on the wrong meds.
    Just be careful and check your meds carefully, if you want to wean yourself off you might need help with that, it has to be done real slow.

    I hope you'll find a solution to your problem , I know going without sleep can drive you to the edge sometimes.

    I've been frosted--- thank you Cassie'smom

    I've been Boo'd----

  9. #24
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    I'm going with the "over medicated" group.

    All my life I have had a problem sleeping. I would try all kinds of meds. I especially noticed there were several combinations that would keep me awake if taken together. I have to be so careful with this.
    I can almost bet it's the drugs working against each other. Good luck.

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  10. #25
    Ativan!!!! That's the other one I'm on!

    Will have to talk to my doctor the next time I'm in there and see what he says. Maybe my family doctor as well. It seems like whenever I say I can't sleep, my psychiatrist just hands me another medicine. I like being able to sleep, but I worry about the over medication myself.

  11. #26
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    Been there, done that.

    You won't like my answer but I say GET OFF THE MEDS!

    I was a bit shocked when I saw all the meds that you were taking because not too long ago I was taking all of those too and you could have been talking about me. Over the past few years I have been on every kind of anti-depressant you can think of. Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Effexor, Lexapro, Cymbalta and the list goes on. Then the dr. started adding more pills to take along with the anti-depressant. In the end I was taking an anti-depressant (don't even remember which one), Abilify, Seroquel(powerful stuff if you ask me), Xanax, Klonopin and Ambien. I was a slave to those pills. Making sure I took them every day and making sure I had the money to get my refills. Then one day I realized I was a complete MESS. I still felt depressed most of the time so what good was it doing to be taking all of those pills. Those are some powerful drugs and my dr. would even have me take blood tests to make sure all was ok with my liver because of the damage that the drugs could do. I had enough. I went cold turkey and quit taking all of them. It was SO hard. The withdrawl effects were not pleasant but I worked through it. I feel so much better now that I'm not taking those medications AND now I can finally get a peaceful night's sleep. The sleep thing surprised me because I thought I would never be able to sleep again. Sure I still have bouts of insomnia once in awhile and sure I still have problems with depression but it is something that I just try to work through on my own and I like that so much better than being a slave to all those pills.

  12. #27
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    I have a parallel problem - I'm taking Effexor-XR which is giving me very vivid dreams. I'm wide awake nightly around 3 AM for a good hour, hour and a half - then I fall asleep again and start dreaming, and when the alarm goes off I'm still tired. I slept most of the day today. I've got an appointment with shrink Sept. 1 to see about getting off of it.

    I agree with the sleep specialist recommendation. I wonder if you're having rebound insomnia from one of the meds. I hope you sleep well tonight and wake up feeling rested, Jenn!
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    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

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  13. #28
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    Could it maybe be hormones? If there is an imbalance that could cause sleep problems. When I was going through change I was up doing dishes at 2:00 in the morning because I could not sleep.

  14. #29
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    Jennie - as a medical professional once put it to me, "I am the expert, you are the boss."

    You have a total right to get your sleep problem diagnosed properly with sleep professionals to get the correct treatment.

    I have a feeling that your shrink will not believe in over-medication unless you very strongly say you want to get off all the meds and start over.

    cassiesmom mentioned rebound insomnia. One type happens after a person comes off sleep meds, and is temporary while the body readjusts its schedule. The other is caused by sleeping meds - link and details below.

    Written by: Martin Winkler
    First version: 22 Jul 2008. Latest revision: 27 Aug 2008.
    Why do I experience a worsening of sleep after using a sleeping pill? What is rebound insomnia?
    Many sleeping pills have a negative influence on the sleep architecture, and cause non-restorative sleep.

    Rebound insomnia is defied as a worsening of (at least) one of the following parameters compared to the time before starting drug treatment:

    * sleep latency = time until you fall asleep
    * nocturnal awakenings = waking up at night
    * total sleep time

    And you have to feel either

    * sensation of non-restorative sleep
    * diurnal fatigue
    * worsening of anxiety / tension

    Drugs with moderate or severe rebound insomnia effects are :

    * Triazolam (Halcion)
    * Midazolam (Dormicum)
    * Brotizolam (Dormex, Noctilan, Lendomin)
    * Loprazepam (Dormonoct)
    * Lormetazepam (Noctanid)
    * Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol, Fluscand)

    * Zopiclone

    Sometimes, withdrawal effects or hang-over cause additional complaints for the patients.
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  15. #30
    Join Date
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    I don't know that I would trust a doc that prescribes another med on top of all the others, at the drop of a hat. You're taking so many powerful meds right now, that I don't know how you can even stay awake! I would think that they would knock you flat on your butt!

    My brother had a similar problem, tho not sleep related. His doc had him on so many different meds for high b/p, cholesterol, non insulin dependent diabetes, arthritis, heart and circulation issues, back problems, and I don't know what else, but he was like a walking zombie and could barely function. He couldn't even sit down without falling asleep in a matter of a couple of minutes. He took himself off all but what was absolutely needed, and he improved dramatically.

    I still believe that doctors get kickbacks for prescribing certain meds. It seems that some are more concerned with their own wallets, than that of the health and welfare of their patients.
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