Great house... great deal... quiet neighborhood... friendly neighbor.... who just happens to be on the Sexual Offender List. *sigh*

And has quite a record...

To back up... when my dad and I were looking at the house back in June, Mike was out working in the garden. Dad called over and said hi, and Mike responded in kind, but made no move to come to the fence. Dad asked him how he liked the area and Mike said it was nice and quiet and he had had no problems.

Last Friday, I was outside with my aunt, when Mike walked up to the fence and said hi. He reintroduced himself, but made no move to shake my hand or anything. He asked if I had anyone caring for my lawn and I replied that I would be mowing it eventually but didn't have a mower yet. He told me he mowed the other neighbors lawn for $20 and if that was reasonable. I agreed that it was and he said he'd mow it on Saturday.

Saturday came and after the carpet cleaners left, I hear the mower and Mike was tending the lawn. Afterwards he tapped on the door and then backed away about 6 feet. I gave him $20 and thanked him. He stepped back again and said it was no problem and asked if I would be interested in any vegetables from their garden. He explained that they had way too much for them to eat and said it'd be no charge. I said sure and a short while later he brought over a bag, tapped on the door and left.

An hour after that, the dogs started barking and an elderly gentleman was at my door with a baking dish. He told me, 'Welcome to the neighborhood', and walked off before I could ask his name. (He lives in the same house as Mike.)

It was Sunday when I was on the Family Watchdog site and found my neighbor listed.

I haven't had a chance to work on the house since, but today when I stopped by to check the mail, there was a bag of cherry tomatoes hanging on my porch handrail.

I'm not going to be paranoid or live in fear but I am going to be cautious and on guard.

If it were you, would you say something to the guy right off the bat or not bring it up unless he tried to get overly friendly?