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Thread: Helping Jonny Walker

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Helping Jonny Walker

    I'm here because this is a site for animal lovers. Just 6 hours ago my dog that is loved by many people has just been really injured.

    The story is, I had come home from work to find my dog laying on my porch with blood everywhere. I looked at him really closely to find he had been bleeding from the mouth. My neighbor came over and told me what had happened. He said that a 2 little boys and a girl had been messing with your dog, i asked what happen and he said that the girl called him over and the boy hit him in the face with an aluminum baseball bat.

    Well Jonny is one of the nicest dogs I have every come across he is friendly to anyone. There was no reason to hurt him! I looked closely at him and noticed that his jaw was broken and he was missing teeth now. Nearly broke my heart.

    I post this because If anyone can help it would be a blessing!

    I took Jonny to the vet and they said normaly they won't admit him unless we have all the money up front and at them moment we don't. They said they would keep him over the weekend to make sure he is ok but we need to figure something out.

    I come her to ask for help if possible by anyone. Any doniations would be very helpful into saving him. My contact information is 1-985-662-4651. I can give information to the vet clince if needed.

    I thank you for any help you might give.

    Thank you, Jason Mulvey.

    ( I'm not sure if this image will show, I'm new to this page. If it does not show let me know and I will get you p[ictures of his abuse and before his abuse.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I just spoke to Jason on the phone, and got a bit more information. He'll be sending me more pictures and updating with the vet's information later, in the meantime any prayers would be appreciated.

    Jonny was a stray who just showed up in the neighborhood one day, and so three families sort of adopted him, and Jason said he's just the sweetest dog ever. A total stranger could walk up to him, and he'd greet them with a wagging tail and play with them and be with them for hours if he could.

    They are talking to the police, and don't know if any charges will stick because the kids are juveniles, but I hope that their parents will be held responsible, and the kids will learn that this kind of behavior is NOT acceptable.

    He had just spoken to the vet's, Jonny's jaw is broken in two places and some teeth were knocked out, so there's a lot that needs to be done and decided, whether they'll have to wire his jaw or whether it will need plates put in, and that sort of thing.

    Just wanted to let you all know and they will also try getting the local media involved.
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Southeast Louisiana

    Update Information!!!!!!!

    I am the witness to the fact I am Jason's neighbor and Jason and I brought Jonny Walker to the Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center in Mandeville, La. if anyone is intrested and can help the phone number there is (985) 626-4862 Address is 2611 Florida St. Mandeville, La. 70448.
    Dr. Donna Stockton- Lammon also stated Dr. Freyda Staten is the Vet on duty today. If you can help a donation can be accepted at the Veterinary Center. The staff there has been so helpfull. Donations and Prayers are accepted. God Bless you all.
    The Photo's were taken at the vets office

    Last edited by Kev68; 07-18-2010 at 09:17 PM. Reason: adding photo

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Delaware, USA - The First State/Diamond State - home of The Blue Hens
    What a horrible thing to happen.

    I wish I could help with the $$$, but I've had to put out $$$ that I couldn't afford, with Myndi being sick.

    Hopefully, the parents of the kids that did this, will be held responsible for the vet bills. Those children need some serious talking to and punishment also.

    Jason - please keep us posted on Jonny's condition. Mega prayers for healing and a speedy recovery, going out to both of you.
    Wolfy ~ Fuzzbutt #3
    My little dog ~ a heartbeat at my feet

    Sparky the Fuzzbutt - PT's DOTD 8/3/2010
    RIP 2/28/1999~10/9/2012
    Myndi the Fuzzbutt - Mom's DOTD - Everyday
    RIP 1/24/1996~8/9/2013
    Ellie - Mom to the Fuzzbuttz

    To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
    Ecclesiastes 3:1
    The clock of life is wound but once and no man has the power
    To know just when the hands will stop - on what day, or what hour.
    Now is the only time you have, so live it with a will -
    Don't wait until tomorrow - the hands may then be still.
    ~~~~true author unknown~~~~

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Oh my GOSH how horrible! Poor Jonny Walker! Prayers from RI.

    Here is a link for National Pet Care Financial Aid. I know it is Sunday, you may not be able to reach many of these groups before tomorrow. (The one listing for your state didn't sound like it would apply, so use the NATIONAL listings.)

    I suggest you contact ALL that apply for this situation. (Cancer treatment wouldn't apply) BECAUSE the organization may have additional places for you to contact.

    Also, use GOOGLE and get the listing today for your state Vet Association, and contact them tomorrow as well. Most all of them have financial aid programs too.

    Editted to add the link, as I forgot it; DUH! Thanks, Karen.
    Last edited by Freedom; 07-18-2010 at 04:38 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Southeast Louisiana

    Jonny Update

    Appears Jonny jaw was fractured in two places, lost some teeth, and broken nose. We are not gonna let this rest, I plan to send our local Sheriff an e-mail so I can get a complete follow up on the law enforcement end. I spoke to a neighbor this morning the is an Police Officer for Home Land Security. He stated that if he had been home at the time this had occured, he would had made the arrest and local Sheriffs Office would have had to follow through.
    I spoke to Jasons family a little bit ago to get a breif story about Jonny Walker. They told me Jonny was dropped off mailnurshed and has been a member of the community longer than most of the tenants here. He has been shot with pellit guns and hit by a car.(It would Appear Jonny Walker is a fighther when it comes to life).
    Everyone here has the image inbedded in their heads this animal bleading and clinging to life. I also have this image in my head, but mine goes futher, I was the only eyewitness to the beating this punk kids did to poor Jonny Walker. I am glad I was outside observing this kids strange behaivors. Other wise we would have nothing to go on and they would have murdered Jonny.
    What effects me the most is seeing my step kids and Jason's little sister crying and asking how those other kids could do that.
    The Police brought the oldest kid (which I think they should have brought them all 1 at a time), to see what he had done and he showed no remorse. This kid needs true help, as well as the others that inticed Jonny off the porch to get this beating. I hope CARMA finds these kids before its to late. If its animals now, they will move up to Kids and adults if they are not prosicuted.
    A neighbor asked what they could do to help I told them we made a Jonny Walker Fund to help cover his expenses they said "All we have is this Change". I told them even if it was 50cents it was a help. It turned out to be $43.50 in change. Jonny will be greatful for that. I think total estimates are as it stands right now is up to $2500.00. Jonny is unable to eat so his still on the IV Drip until he is able to have his surgery.
    If anyone wishes to make a donation they can contact the Staff at
    Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center
    2611 Florida St
    Mandeville, La 70448
    Phone (985) 626-4862
    refferance name Jonny Walker

    God Bless All PT'ers for donations and their Prayers.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Southeast Louisiana

    Update @ 7:00pm

    Just Spoke with the Vet, Jonny has been resting all day. He is still on the IV Drip, He turned his head from the food today
    He however did drink a little water today, They are going to try and give him some more food and water at 11pm, come midnight he will no longer be offered food until after his surgery in the morning. We were told if we would like to call back after 11 and see if he has drank or eaten to feel free to do so.
    We however do understand that it is afterhours and they have their service on so yes we press 1 for the Emergency so we can speak to a staff member and get information on Jonny. Earlier I called and they took my number because they were busy. It took them a couple hours but they did call back and gave me a condition update. We will continue to keep you all posted on Jonny's condition as updates become avaliable.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Southeast Louisiana

    For those intersted

    I just sent the Sheriff of our parish the following e-mail;
    Hello Sheriff Graves,
    I am contacting you on a matter that occured on July 17, 2010. We live in Springfield Mobile Home Park, and some kids lured a dog off the neighbors porch and attacked him with baseball bat. The dog recieved serious injuries to his mouth and nose. His jaw bone was fractured in 2 places. We were also instructed by the Officer to bring him to the Vet. So we transported him to La Veterinary Referral Center in Mandeville, La. They stated they would supply you with a detailed list of all injuries.
    The Officer the was here stated we could pick up a copy of the Police Report in 3 to 5 days. However we did not recieve a Report number. The portion of this that bothers me the most is when the Officer brought the boy to see what he had done this child showed no remorse for what he had done. He walked up to the dog with a smile on his face and left with that same smile on his face. I was the eyewitness that seen the whole incident occur. These kids had chased another dog with bats just before the brutal attack on the other dog. Granted I understand the dog should have been on a leash and the kids wouldn't have been able to intice him to come to them for this beating, but I think God he wasn't on a leash because he wouldn't have been able to get away. This dog is going to have to have Surgery in the morning that is going to cost $2500.00+.
    I understand that there are other important issues the Sheriff's Office has but Studies show most kids that do this with animals later turns into children and adults. I greatly appreicate your time in this matter and hope you can give our community any update in this matter.

    I will post his response when he replies.

  9. #9
    I cannot begin to understand why these kids would do such a thing. Jonny is one of the sweetest dogs ever. Jonny is known by many names such as Jonny, Johnny Walker, Jake, Spotty Dog, Pooch, just to name a few. But one thing for sure is that he is known by us all by the love he gives us, and smiles that he puts on our faces when playing with us. In fact, all the dogs in the neighborhood get along and play together. If these kids do this to an INNOCENT animal, one wonders what might they be capable of doing to a human being when they get older. I pray that a judge will see the picture of Jonny and also speak with the vet. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jonny

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Do let us know if there is anyone we can call, even local politicians, to bring their attention to this matter. Thanks to all of you for keeping us updated, and we do hope justice will prevail and that boy will get serious psychological help.
    I've Been Frosted

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Southeast Louisiana
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    Do let us know if there is anyone we can call, even local politicians, to bring their attention to this matter. Thanks to all of you for keeping us updated, and we do hope justice will prevail and that boy will get serious psychological help.
    Karen, I will let you know as soon as I find something out. I am still waiting to hear from the Sheriff and we will take it from there.

    As far as Jonny's condition the Vets Office is keeping him as comfortably as possible. He still has not eaten so the IV drip is still in him. They have moved his surgery to July 20 not sure of why, unless he did manage to drink a little water after midnight last night. I Spoke to the staff at the Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center and they said if anyone wants an update feel free to call (985) 626-4862. When I called this morning all I had to tell them is I wanted an update on Jonny Walker.
    I know everyone will keep Jonny in their prayers as tomorrow will be he first operation.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Thanks, he's such a cute boy, when you get to see him, give him a hug from me, okay?
    I've Been Frosted

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I have been checking this thread for updates. I just want everyone to know that I am keeping Johnny Walker in my thoughts. And I hope something can be done about the children that did this to him. I wish I could donate some money to help out but I just can't right now.

    Get better soon JW!
    Our goal in life should be - to be as good a person as our dog thinks we are.

    Thank you for the siggy, Michelle!

    Cindy (Human) - Taz (RB Tabby) - Zoee (RB Australian Shepherd) - Paizly (Dilute Tortie) - Taggart (Aussie Mix) - Jax (Brown & White Tabby), - Zeplyn (Cattle Dog Mix)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Thanks you everyone for keeping Jonny Walker in your prayers! Surgery is tomorrow from what I'm told. I am waiting on the hospital to contact me back for the financial agents to talk to me. They said that they were going to try to do as much as they can to make everything easier for us. They were talking about writing all of this off as a teaching or something like that.

    Management has to approve it first though. Hopefully it goes through.

    I will update as soon as i know something new.

    Thank you everyone for everything!

  15. #15
    Thanks for the update.

    I was just thinking about the guy and POOF a new post!

    This is a situation where the parents should be more than just financially liable.
    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

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