Hi Ms Tekki-chan! What a fantastic birthday present you were for your Taurean owner. You are enchanting! And just like all Siamese, like to let your feelings show right away.

I can see you sharing a pillow at night and loving every minute of the attention that is showered upon you. Your little outfits are just too cute for words!

I'm glad you got over your jealousy of BJ and you are now the best of friends. Siamese initiate all sorts of fun and games and I can see you and BJ would play all day long.

Siamese have heaps of energy and are very vocal, commenting on everything they do. No home would ever be the same without you - and BJ - in it to keep everyone organised!

Congrats on being our COTD, Terrific Tekki-chan and may you and BJ have heaps of treats and cuddles.