Here's a recipe you can try for Christmas! I got it from a friend in England. It's quite easy!

Warning! Don't even look at it, if you want to slim!

Chocolade Truffles

100 g Valhrona chocolade (or other good chocolade)
50 g unsalted butter
2 egg yolks
6+ tablespoons icing sugar
flavouring (e.g. Grand Marnier, Tia Maria, Rum)
coatings (e.g. icing sugar, choc strands, cocoa powder)

Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water. Cream together the butter, icing sugar, egg yolks and flavouring (if used). Add the melted chocolate and beat until mixed and a fairly firm consistency, adding more icing sugar if necessary. Put in a dish and leave to cool and set - I put mine in a shallow dish in the fridge for an hour. Once set, form into balls and roll them in the coatings. This is the messy and time-consuming part of the process.
