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Thread: Please I need help ASAP

  1. #31
    Any of these?
    Last edited by king2005; 07-03-2010 at 08:33 PM.

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    king2005, thankx for sending the pictures but It is a different type of turtle, its pics are in the Album, My New Turtle

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by sana View Post
    king2005, thankx for sending the pictures but It is a different type of turtle, its pics are in the Album, My New Turtle
    I looked & couldn't find any album called "My New Turtle".. Did you make it public? I was able to see the one called "Chicks"

  4. #34
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    Sorry about not making the album

    I have made the album, My New turtle : Squirtle

  5. #35
    That is a softshell Turtle.
    not sure of the species as i need pictures of its whole body, clear head shot, shell shot...

    i can sex it if you can get a clear shot of it's tail, showing its vent

    Some softshells get MASSIVE, to the point you can't keep them as pets. Most are also really aggressive, worse then snapping turtles... All require a LOT of swimming water & several inches of sand so they can hide.

    Offer it some raw fish pieces. It'll also like little live fish to chase too. It'll more then likely eat romaine lettuce.

    Once i can id it better I can be more specific on its needs.

    I'm not sure if it is a fresh water species, or salt water, so don't give it too much water just yet.

    they can also go a long time without eating so don't worry
    Last edited by king2005; 06-21-2010 at 12:53 AM.

  6. #36
    from what I've read it might be hard to ID it until its larger as many baby Softshell species have different markings then the adults. I'm trying to find a site to ID the babies

  7. #37
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    Squirtle's news

    PEOPLE!!!!!! KAREN, ASIEL, MARIGOLD, MOOSMOM, KING2005, SNAKEMAMA, HUSKY MOM!!! EVERYBODY!!!, SQUIRTLE ATE RICE. My father put rice in an orange peel and he just looked at and later on, I came upstairs to see if he had ate anything and all I saw was muddy orange peel's inside and NO RICE!!! Crows don't come on that part and so it was only Squirtle who could have eaten it. I was thanking God that he ate something at least.

  8. #38
    Their not suppose to eat rice

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    Next time try fish of some sort, he was obviously hungry. Any chance of getting to the shop that might have turtle food?
    I've Been Frosted

  10. #40
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    Well, I didn't know that it doesn't have to eat rice. But, anyways, ay least something went in his stomach. My father told me that the fish store doesn't sell live food for turtles, there are other beans and stuff. My dad told me that Squirtle eats more vegetables than meat. He likes eating roots of plants and other little insects.

  11. #41
    You need find out what species it is before feeding it too much of random human foods. You can/will make it sick, or poison it to death by not feeding it properly, so its really important to find out what it is.

    Softshells are known to be carnivores (includes bugs) & might eat some vegetation.

    here is some general information on a Softshell's diet... but its still not a proper diet until you find out what species it is.

  12. #42
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Sana, I went over to another forum, and show them Squirtle's picture, and they said
    "Softshells tend to be somewhat more carnivorous than their hard-shelled counterparts. They will still need proper basking with a UVB bulb.

    Food offering can include fish, shrimp, and worms (fresh or frozen or freeze dried) live insects (from bait and pet stores) etc."
    Sp make sure he gets some meat, okay?
    I've Been Frosted

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