I've been missing in action from the forums because of life being so busy! Beyond doing the renos to our house, we also just purchased a 7 acre property up in cottage country.

I was casually looking through the MLS listings and came across this gem. Rob and I went up to see it and we purchased it on the spot. For those of you who know Ontario, it's located right under Algonquin Park and it is a true cottage property. None of this Muskoka 'clear cut everything in sight, place a mansion on a rock and pollute the waters with your giant boat' type of property. I'm purchasing a cottage property so it stays as natural as possible.

It's going to take a lot of 'cleaning' up since nothing has been done to the property over the last while. The last owners barely used it. Since we hope to use this as our retirement home in the future, we have to plan carefully so we can build something small for now, and expand later. We hope to do everything off-grid (solar panels etc) so we have quite a bit of research (fun!) ahead of us.

This pic taken in mid-April when we first went to see the property. The rough road leading into our land. It looks like everything is dead!

Here is the same road, pic taken on Sunday! Look at the difference in the landscape within a month! We have some serious 'bushwacking' in our future. It's going to take a good couple of months of just clearing out some of the bush and making some basic paths. We only have time on weekends to go up there so it will keep us busy.

Very tall trees!

Walking down towards the lake

Our shoreline. We own everything to the left, curving around to the tall tree located in the middle of this pic. I'm in heaven!