I haven't posted here for quite awhile, but have something I wanted to share with other cat lovers. Bubba the stray cat showed up at my house about a year & 1/2 ago, just a few days after my cat Buttermilk had died. I opened the door on that cold, eventful night and a huge gray striped cat just walked right on in, used the litter box & proceeded to make himself at home. Some of you may remember how I had to take him to the vet during that next few days. I had put him in a cat carrier to take him & the door wouldn't latch. When I got to the vet & opened the car door, Bubba jumped out & took off. I drove around that area 3 or 4 times that night looking for him, but never found him. Keep in mind that this was a cold, snowy night. Anyway the next morning I opened my front door & there was Bubba on my front porch. Bubba had made himself at home! I knew that any cat who would walk clear across town in snow knew he was where he belonged. I never did find out where he came from and just recently had stopped thinking of him as a stray cat. I have wondered a few times if possibly someone had dropped him off
at my house - no matter though, he was my cat (or maybe I was his person ?). I thought too that it was beyond coincidence that he showed up so soon after Buttermilk died, like maybe he knew I was in need of comforting. Anyway after being sick for a few days, Bubba died Tuesday night. I had taken him to the vet Tuesday morning & they wanted to keep him for awhile. I went out to get him late in the afternoon & had been home less than half an hour when he died. I told the vet that it was almost like he waited to get home. Sorry this is so long, but I am wondering if cats know that we humans love them. I hope Bubba did - I'm sure he did, but I of course feel so guilty for not taking him to the vet sooner. I just hope he knew how much I loved him.