Austin is a Bearded Dragon with some health issues which now all point to neglect.

At first no one was sure what was wrong with him & most guessed he was just deformed from birth. Some said he might have MBD, but he looked oddly deformed, even for it to be MBD.

Well it turns out it IS MBD, & its getting better!!!

Remember those weird hills he had on his back (not spine)?
They were really hard to the touch & didn't bend or anything. Well those hills are several ribs that were fused together from the MBD. They are now all loose & wiggle about like his ribs should. With luck they'll go back to where they should be (not so high up).

His tail seemed to be a lot more flexible too. He was wagging it like a dog as he was trying to get comfy on the towel in front of the window.

I HOPE his 1 hand will get better, as his wrist is bent oddly & makes walking on it either uncomfy or painful (I don't know which & it might even be both ), so he doesn't move as much as he should, but he is moving more & more the longer he is with me.