I cannot believe someone did this. I was at Walmart shopping earlier, and decided to go look at the fish. I was looking at their betta fish and they had them stacked on these shelves, like 3 rows deep. Way at the top, in the very, very back, I found a container and decided to see what color betta fishy was in it.

This is what I found...

Yes... 2 male betta fish... crammed into one cup. Either someone thought this would be funny as hell to do, and then hide them in the back of the shelf, or they ran out of extra cups, and decided what the he!!, and stick both of them together. Either way it's sick, appalling, and downright sad. I didn't want to support this type of abuse, but I couldn't leave them there like that, they would've just suffered and died ... so I bought both of them.

The blue male must've been the alpha, he's got some major fin nippage, but the other male is just... a sad sight to see.

*Shakes head* He's in bad shape, breathing with his mouth open, but still swimming around a bit in his new container. Here's a few more photo's...

The other male...

For now, I have the larger blue male is a 2 gallon container, and the smaller one that's in bad shape in a 1 gallon container. I'm going to give it till Monday to see if the one in bad shape makes it. If he does, I have a 10 gallon and all supplies, and I'm going to get a divider and divide it, so they'll each have 5 gallons. If he doesn't make it (I really hope he makes it... poor guy), I'm going to pick up a 5 gallon tank kit like Tofu is in.

There's a possibility that the one in bad shape is a female, but so many fins are missing, it's hard to tell right now. However, this particular Walmart does not carry females. Ever. So... that's why I keep thinking it's likely another male. Either way... it was a sick and depraved thing for someone to do. They're not called fighting fish for nothing.

The better off male in his new, temporary 2 gallon home...

The new temporary 1 gallon home of the one that's in bad shape...

Poor baby... hiding in his plant...

That's all the pics I have.