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Thread: my dog was poisoned :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    my dog was poisoned :(

    hi all

    well over the last few days the neighbours have been quite nasty towards my dogs i have 2 mastiffs and a spaniel , the parents letting them tease my dogs trying to break the fencing down ect .
    i had a lie in today and normally my spaniel is first out hes my shadow ,after a short while i got him out from under the bed (his favourate place) and he started crying so naturaly i was worried ,he was lathargic and crying then about an hour later his pupils were massive and he could'nt control his bladder or bowel so i rushed him over to the vet , she said he,d ingested excesty , ive never even seen what that stuff looks like , she said there's no 100% proof it is that but seemed very sure now nothing like that comes near my house or my pets but im thinking could my neighbours be throwing it over they sure seem that type sadly ,but although she said keep a close eye on him and after 24 hours he should be fine what i want to find out is what can this stuff do to my dogs
    i feel livid towards people who do this stuff he's been shaking and looks scared i'm so upset and worried
    any advice on what it could do and how can i make him more comfy would be greatful x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    forgot to add my spaniel was the one whos bad they all lovely dogs and wouldnt hurt anyone

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Largo, FL
    I'm so sorry you have neighbors who are wicked and would give your dogs drugs. I don't think it will hurt him since he ingested it only once, but I bet he was so scared, poor thing! Is there any way to keep your dogs on only one side of your yard for now? Maybe if the neighbors don't interact with them for a while and don't see them or tease them, they will forget about the dogs and move onto something else. If they are taking drugs like ecstacy, they may be irrational while they are high and continue to do stupid and irresponsible things - they may harm your dogs worse next time.

    I've had bad neighbors too and found that no matter how angry I get or how much I try to do to change THEM, I have had to alter my own habits or change the way I did things for a while to smooth things out and make my own life liveable. The only exception to that was a problem that I had with noise all day and all night so I just called the police over and over again. Those people finally moved. If you see them teasing your dogs or damaging your property, can you video it for proof? Or maybe call the police while you see them doing it? Don't even say anything to the neighbors, just call the cops to get them caught in the act.

    I hope you work something out that will keep yourself and your dogs safe!!

    When you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Ellicott City MD
    I'm so sorry to hear about this situation. I can sympathize as my husband and I have been in two really bad neighbor situations over the years. Unfortunately, the situations usually escalate if the people are irrational. In both our cases, we sold our house and moved. Is moving an option?

    In the meantime, I would not let the dogs out at home unless you are with them; can you take them to another spot where they can run?

    ​GO RAVENS!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Ecstacy is a party drug, make sure he drinks plenty of water, and stays cool, as people on X have died of dehydration because they "feel good" and forget to drink and overheat.

    I'd watch the ground for anything they throw over, and pick it up and save it, just in case.
    I've Been Frosted

  6. #6
    Poor dog
    I have no idea what E does let alone how it would effect a dog

    My sister & her b/f many yrs ago drugged my old dog. Poor thing was bugged out & sweating! I gave him a cool bath & kept cool wet towels on him all night. No idea what they gave him, but he def. wasn't having fun

    I support what everyone else has said above.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    well hes certainly looking alot better now , sure scared me , ive been going outside when the dogs are out there im just to frightened it will happen again , he went through a rough 48 hours poor domino , im going to take him just for another once over with the vet and will be checking all around the fencing every time there let loose in the garden , i just cant understand why people do this kind of stuff there should be a prison sentance for those who poison animals , i was stund when the vet told me what was wrong with him i just couldnt believe it ,she asked if he couldve pick it up in my house at first my gosh i dont even so much as drink not a drop and never seen what the stuff looks like but next door are always being nasty to the animals,teasing them ,trying to break the fencing down , yelling at them and poking stuff through so im going to take your advice im going to sneak out there and catch them on video and will report it to the police with video evidence plus the vet report maybe that will stop any further incidence , i sure love all my animals there just like my children id be devestated if anything happened to them
    thank you so much for the advice i will certainly be taking it up
    carol x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Ellicott City MD
    Cautionary note on the videotaping: when I said I'd had these situations, I was serious, and I did the videotaping. The police told me they could not use it under anycircumstances because the other party did not "agree to be taped"!! Consult the police first to see if it can be used.

    Good luck!

    ​GO RAVENS!!

  9. #9


    So sorry to hear about your predicament. Hope that it never happens again. We think the neighbors poisoned our Bob about a year ago. Just seemed odd that they were out in their back yard (two boys - drug users and alcoholics) with a bunch of loud mouth friends and Bob was barking at them over the fence. Dan built the fence to try and separate them when the problems began. Bob "does" do a lot of annoying barking at them, but they taunt him and bark back - just exacerbating the situation. One day they were all out there and Bob was barking and we went out to bring him in and they were at the fence throwing something over. Don't know what it was - never found it, but Bob got violently ill. Vomiting, diahera , bloody uncontrollable bowels movements, dehydration. Had to take him to an emergency vet hospital overnight. So now we have to watch him real close and just take him out on a leash to do his business in his "own" backyard when they are out and partying in their backyard. About the video-taping... I'm not sure that is true everywhere. In PA, you can video anyone in public (not in their home) and use as evidence to support a case or claim you are making. The only situation which is as you describe is "you cannot tape record anyone" on the phone without telling them that they are being tape recorded.

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