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Thread: *Memorial Day Weekend *BASH* @ Findlay, OHIO Bark Park ~ *SUNDAY* MAY 30, 2010 ~

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    Originally Posted by Cinder & Smoke
    OMG! What are we gonna EAT? Where's the Menue ??
    What to Bring? ~ MENUE ~ for Findlay -
    Memorial Day SUNDAY, May 30, 2010
    and MONDAY, May 31, 2010 ~

    ~~ MENUE ~~~
    Here's what has been promised so far >>>
    (With some suggestions that have been *HITS* before)

    Main Dish/Meat
    . . HamBurgers & Round Buns (by Phred, Diana & Carl)
    . . Brats w/ Cheese & Long Buns (by Phred, Diana &Carl)
    . . Hot dogs & Long Buns (by Phred, Diana &Carl)
    . .

    . . Tater Salad (by Diana, 4DM)
    . . Baked Beans ??
    . . Coleslaw ??
    . . Pasta Salad ~~~Staci
    . . Taco Salad ??
    . . Banana Bread ??
    . .

    Munchies & Krunchies & Dips
    . . Veggies + Dip ?? (MonicanHonda!)
    . . Chips + Dip ??
    . . Nacho Chips and Salsa (MonicanHonda!)

    . . Chawklit Chippie Cookies (by Phred)
    . . Brownies (by Diana, 4DM)
    . . Watermelon ??
    . . CHERRY Pie--Staci
    . .

    . . Kooler & Ice wiff both HiTest an Diet Pops (by Carl, Diana, & Phred)
    . . Iced Tea & bottled water ??
    . . Sprite (MonicanHonda!)

    Kitchen Suppliez & STUFF (by Phred)
    . . KetchUp
    . . Bar-B-Que Sauce
    . . Brown Mustard
    . . Yeller Mustard
    . . Sweet Relish
    . . Salt & Peppur
    . . ChopUp a Unyin or two
    . . 'Merican Cheeze fur Cheeze-Burgerz
    . . Roll of Papur Towels
    . . grill Tweezers & Spatchulas
    . . couple extra Servin Spoonz
    . . *Zip-Lok Baggiez* - fur Carry-Outz & Take-Homez

    . . *plates & napkins & forks* = (by 4DM)
    . . Bag a CharKoal (by Carl)
    . . CharKoal Liter Juze (by Carl)

    "Current" as of: 5/14/2010 @ 3:00 pm


    If you can ADD something to the Menue -
    "QUOTE" THIS (or the last & latest) post -
    and "Edit In" whatever you'd like to bring.

    Everything above are only "suggestions" of things that have been
    "HITS" in the past ... If YOU like it, cook it & bring it --- someone will Eat it!

    Note: There ARE Electrical Outlets available in the
    Pavilion to power CrockPots, HotPlates, etc.
    Keegan 9/28/2001 to June 9, 2012
    Kylie (June 2000 to 5/19/2012)
    "we as American's have forgotten we can agree to disagree"
    Kylie the Queen, Keegan the Princess, entertained by Kloe the court Jester
    Godspeed Phred and Gini you will be missed more than you ever know..

  2. #62

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by shais_mom View Post

    t- minus 10 day countdown -
    I better get busy and look at the menu to decide what to bring
    Quote Originally Posted by shais_mom View Post

    . . Pasta Salad ~~~Staci
    . . CHERRY Pie--Staci

    OK ~~~ YUMMIE!! You can come!!!

    Nobody EVER brought something "bad" ...

    There's been some "strange stuff" - but get past the*name* of the dish
    and they're ALL Great to eat!!

  3. #63

    Exclamation We have a New MOMMIE >>>

    On another front >>>

    ** Kayler has Arrived & All is Well !!

    "For those who haven't heard yet ... baby Kayler arrived this afternoon (Wednesday, May 19, 2010)
    ... 6lb. 12oz. and 19in. long. Heidi sent me a picture earlier... she's beautiful!
    I'm sure she will post pics soon. ;-)
    First Posted Wednesday at 9:32pm by Brianna ... on Facebook

    ** CONGRATULATIONS to Heidi & Jason!

    Heidi = " shawsdanes "

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Brunswick, OH
    Aww, congrats. We love babies here! Lol
    Monica Callahan KPA-CTP *Woohoo!*

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    Congrats to you Heidi!

    Mark & I are looking forward to seeing everyone Sunday

    OMG! What are we gonna EAT? Where's the Menue ??
    What to Bring? ~ MENUE ~ for Findlay -
    Memorial Day SUNDAY, May 30, 2010
    and MONDAY, May 31, 2010 ~

    ~~ MENUE ~~~
    Here's what has been promised so far >>>
    (With some suggestions that have been *HITS* before)

    Main Dish/Meat
    . . HamBurgers & Round Buns (by Phred, Diana & Carl)
    . . Brats w/ Cheese & Long Buns (by Phred, Diana &Carl)
    . . Hot dogs & Long Buns (by Phred, Diana &Carl)
    . .

    . . Tater Salad (by Diana, 4DM)
    . . Baked Beans (by Anna)
    . . Coleslaw (by Anna)
    . . Pasta Salad ~~~Staci
    . . Taco Salad ??
    . . Banana Bread ??
    . .

    Munchies & Krunchies & Dips
    . . Veggies + Dip ?? (MonicanHonda!)
    . . Chips + Dip ??
    . . Nacho Chips and Salsa (MonicanHonda!)

    . . Chawklit Chippie Cookies (by Phred)
    . . Brownies (by Diana, 4DM)
    . . Watermelon ??
    . . CHERRY Pie--Staci
    . .

    . . Kooler & Ice wiff both HiTest an Diet Pops (by Carl, Diana, & Phred)
    . . Iced Tea
    . . Bottled water (by Anna)
    . . Sprite (MonicanHonda!)

    Kitchen Suppliez & STUFF (by Phred)
    . . KetchUp
    . . Bar-B-Que Sauce
    . . Brown Mustard
    . . Yeller Mustard
    . . Sweet Relish
    . . Salt & Peppur
    . . ChopUp a Unyin or two
    . . 'Merican Cheeze fur Cheeze-Burgerz
    . . Roll of Papur Towels
    . . grill Tweezers & Spatchulas
    . . couple extra Servin Spoonz
    . . *Zip-Lok Baggiez* - fur Carry-Outz & Take-Homez

    . . *plates & napkins & forks* = (by 4DM)
    . . Bag a CharKoal (by Carl)
    . . CharKoal Liter Juze (by Carl)

    "Current" as of: 5/23/2010 @ 7:15 pm


    If you can ADD something to the Menue -
    "QUOTE" THIS (or the last & latest) post -
    and "Edit In" whatever you'd like to bring.

    Everything above are only "suggestions" of things that have been
    "HITS" in the past ... If YOU like it, cook it & bring it --- someone will Eat it!

    Note: There ARE Electrical Outlets available in the
    Pavilion to power CrockPots, HotPlates, etc.

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I will be thinking of you all! We won't be able to make it this time, but hope everyone takes lots of pictures, and that you all have a great time!
    I've Been Frosted

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA

    Help me with this decision!

    Some of you know I am long term fostering (very long, LOL) two puppies and a dog. I have decided to adopt the dog, and his name is Jasper. I want to bring him with me to the dog park this weekend. He needs more socialization.

    The two puppies are, from what we can tell, "his". They are a lot less socialized than Jasper. In fact, the female- Bella spends most of her time hiding if anyone else is around- even Jonah. She has made great strides in the 6 weeks I have had her- great strides. But, she still hides. Rusty, the male, is much better. He is too much of a stinker to stay in the background- LOL.

    I wonder if bringing the puppies is such a great idea. I don't think they will really become socialized from one interaction at a dog park, and is the 2.5 hour trip x 2, really 'worth it' to them. Bella would, most likely, stay crouched in a corner. She wouldn't interact with such a large crowd- I can nearly bet my life on it. Taking Rusty and leaving Bella would really seem unfair. I have a hard enough time walking Jasper alone...LOL, Rusty cries and cries. I can't imagine leaving Bella by herself all day.

    I can get a neighbor to watch over them- they stay outside all day anyhow as it is right now.

    What are other's opinions on this?

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Brunswick, OH
    Hmm... Well, it's really up to you. I personally, would bring them. You don't have to spend all your time inside the dog park. We have the pavilion outside the dog park and people will stay in there and talk. You can also take a stroll through the park to give her a break. Although... I can understand how hard it is to take care of three dogs out in public! Lol But it's so much fun... and all the pet talk dogs are very sociable... so it would only be good meetings... can't speak much for some of the Findlay residents But most of them are good. And if you don't like one, you can just go to the pavilion for a bit! It's up to you.
    Monica Callahan KPA-CTP *Woohoo!*

  9. #69

    Question Who to bring ??

    Quote Originally Posted by Cataholic View Post

    I have decided to adopt the dog, and his name is Jasper.
    I want to bring him with me to the dog park this weekend.
    He needs more socialization.

    I wonder if bringing the puppies is such a great idea.
    I don't think they will really become socialized from one interaction at a dog park,
    and is the 2.5 hour trip x 2, really 'worth it' to them.
    Bella would, most likely, stay crouched in a corner.

    I can get a neighbor to watch over them-
    they stay outside all day anyhow as it is right now.

    What are other's opinions on this?
    Hmmmmm ...
    I'd love to play with ALL of them ... but I'd bet the two Pups would
    be a LOT happier left at the Homestead to be spoiled by the neighbor!

    Bella sounds like she needs some gentle PEOPLE socialization, then some
    small-crowd puppy play. Have you looked for a local Dog Park, or even a
    Kids' Playground where folks can take well-behaved dogs? Break the Pups
    in with a small crowd, then bring 'em on the Fourth of July or Labor Day
    to meet The Mob and join The Gang for some fun!
    You really want the Pups' first dog park expierence to be a low-stress, FUN
    event that they remember as a pleasant time. Cowering in a corner
    trying to avoid the rowdy hooligans might not be a good introduction to
    the world of dog parks.

    Jasper ought to be old enough to hold his own and enjoy the bigger crowd.

    No matter if you bring one, two, or three - we'll try to make the Kids feel

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    After more thought, I am going to bypass this weekend. It is going to be too much stress for Jasper (at this stage), with the car sickness, leaving the two pups all day (with my two neighbors both being gone all weekend long, so no real 'watchers' for them), no money, not sleeping cause of Minnie crying all night in the crate.

    Just too much for me right now. I hope to make September's trip, though!!

  11. #71

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Brunswick, OH
    Aww, alright... we hope to see you in September!
    Monica Callahan KPA-CTP *Woohoo!*

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    We're not going to make it Rich is moving into his apartment this weekend on the west coast of Michigan, and it would be a lot of driving for us. And I thought about just coming down by myself but then I wouldn't get to see Rich for another week (it's already been 3!) or help him move in. So it's a loose loose situation.

    Ashley & Crossbone ("mini ACD")
    Living with my parent's: Jack (Lab/Beagle), Micki & Mini (JRTS)
    RIP Kyra: 07/11/04 - 11/3/12; Shadow: 4/2/96 - 3/17/08

  14. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by k9krazee View Post

    We're not going to make it

    Awww, NUTZ !!

    We're gonna *MISS* You Guys!

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Findlay, OH
    Hey, what's this with everyone ditching us? We were really excited about seeing Johanna and Noah again and meeting the new dog. Ashley, you know how much we enjoy seeing you and Jackie Loo. Kimmy, what job is worth missing the dog park gathering for? Heidi, we'd love seeing that new baby girl! Just teasing. I understand when things don't work out. My dad died last Memorial Day weekend so I wasn't sure how that would work out with leaving my mom alone but as far as dates go - he died on May 23 which was last weekend and my sister and I spent Saturday fixing up the area around his grave and Sunday planting my mom's yard with flowers so I think I should be good there. Probably will try to run to tiffin sometime during the weekend or maybe next week during an evening.

    Looking forward to tomorrow. See you all then!

    "That they may have a little peace, even the best
    dogs are compelled to snarl occasionally."
    --William Feather

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