I know I haven't posted much recently.... but wanted to share these pictures.

So we got about 6-8 inches of snow here in North Carolina. The dogs love it! Only two of them are really used to snow (Paris and Kelsey) as they lived and grew up in Ohio with me.... I moved to NC 4 yrs ago. Everyone else, while they have been in snow, they are not used to it like Paris and Kelsey!

Though I think Amy enjoyed it more than the rest.....


Amy running!! love this pic!


Amy and her daughter Tori (in the back)


Bree (front) and Paris -- Bree's mother

For some reason I managed to not get one picture of Kelsey... so here is Kelsey from last winter..


Then we have Quinn... my 4 1/2 month old smooth pup..

First time in more than a dusting of snow!! lol

This might not be to bad...

Or not...