Ok... I admit. every once in a while I watch this show lol

Are these people for REAL? Are there SERIOUSLY people this extreme?

Like Parents who don't let their kids play or have friends they have a strict homework, work out, training schedule and then parents who encourage their kids to beat each other up cause they have to toughen up? WTF lol

One woman had a 12 year old son that sleeps in the bed with her every night and the husband has to sleep out on the couch or in the kids room. Her and the kid eat dinner together in her room and the husband eats out in the kitchen by himself. Again... WTF? it was like the kid was her husband and the husband was a visitor in his own house with his own family.

and Now this one woman is CRYING because the childrens playroom is a mess. lol WOW

It's like a window into a three ring circus this show is.

Anyone ever watched it before? I don't make a habit of watching this show but in the afternoon on Hannah's daycare days when I'm cleaning the house I watch it lol

it's like the train wreck you just can't help but watch

right now there is an episode with a crazy dog lady (to the point she won't let her husband sleep in the bed because she wants to sleep with the dogs) and the opposite family doesn't even use toilet paper... and I'm afraid to ask