So thats Tex, hes 18-20 weeks in those pictures. He was adopted from someone that works with the wife. He had got the pup from a rescue later to learn he would be going over seas so we got the pup from him. Tex has been a very quick learner, at times learning basic commands from just watching me train my other dog Lola, hand commands and all. He is eager to please and a huge lap dog.

This is Lola she is 8-9 months in these pics. She was rescued from a shelter at around 3 months. She has been a pleasure to own. Took a little while to get the whole not peeing inside thing down but has been a great dog and very easy to teach. She has tons of drive and can play out back for hours playing fetch or messing around with a flirt pole. She is pretty good on the leash not perfect yet but does awesome for the most part.