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Thread: Random thoughts

  1. #811
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by cats4ever View Post
    First, it's almost impossible to find well fitting socks.
    Second, to make it worse, every pair I buy, is tied together with those annoying little plastic thingy tabs.
    I stocked up on socks today, three sets with each two or tree pairs.
    When I got home, I took a deep breath, got a pair of scissors and sat down. I started to cut the plastic tabs, very carefully, to separate the socks. Each tab was entangled in the sock fibers, as to annoy me even further.
    One set had tabs on the toes, heels and top!!!
    I bet it was faster to manufacture the socks than untangling them! Is this supposed to discourage shoplifters? Or potential customers?
    Those socks better be the most perfect fitting socks ever!!!
    Try livening in a home with a beloved but slightly demented Golden/Poodle who insists socks are to be eaten. She eats the toes out of my socks if she can get them, and the heels from Kermit's socks!
    I've Been Frosted

  2. Why do a lot of people insist on shaving their long haired dog an then jam it into a t-shirt right after?
    never has made much sense to me LOL

  3. #813
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    I am thankful for PT
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

  4. #814
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
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    I am also grateful for Pet Talk too! Are pointsettias really toxic for cats? I never get one because I always get conflicting information. I also wonder why Lily bit out me out of the blue yesterday. It was really deep and once she dug her fangs in she shook her head and let go. Big, bloody teeth marks??? First time for everything, I'm sure I'll never know. Lily has her reasons, no doubt. 🤔🙁

  5. #815
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by mon View Post
    I am also grateful for Pet Talk too! Are pointsettias really toxic for cats? I never get one because I always get conflicting information.
    They are only mildly toxic, not as dangerous as we used to be told. Here's a good explanation:

    And why did Lily bite? Because she's a Kat - all the reason you need!
    I've Been Frosted

  6. #816
    Join Date
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    Thanks Karen! I think we'll pass on the old pointsettia again as we do with the tree too. Too much potential for disaster. As for Lily.... 🙄 I have no comment! A very Happy Holidays to you sweetheart!! 🎄

  7. #817
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
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    Pet Talk is a loving place
    We share the good and bad
    In this time of gratitude
    My heart is very glad
    Full of gratitude and respect
    For Karen an Paul
    So many heartfelt gifts
    Wonderful blessings
    You have given so much
    More than you know
    Way more than you'll ever know.
    A gift to us all
    Thank you!

    Thinking of you and just wanted you to know how grateful we are, for all you have done for us throughout the years with this beautiful website and the countless thousands of hours, heart and soul you have put in. It means SO much.

  8. #818
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    That's beautiful, mon. I'm with you there! Thank you so much, Karen, and Paul. You both have done so much out of the goodness of your hearts to create and maintain this beautiful site that means so very much to me, too.

    Last edited by phesina; 12-15-2018 at 04:48 PM.
    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  9. #819
    Join Date
    May 2017
    USA, previously Europe
    Quote Originally Posted by mon View Post
    Pet Talk is a loving place
    We share the good and bad
    In this time of gratitude
    My heart is very glad
    Full of gratitude and respect
    For Karen an Paul
    So many heartfelt gifts
    Wonderful blessings
    You have given so much
    More than you know
    Way more than you'll ever know.
    A gift to us all
    Thank you!

    Thinking of you and just wanted you to know how grateful we are, for all you have done for us throughout the years with this beautiful website and the countless thousands of hours, heart and soul you have put in. It means SO much.
    I feel the same way. Every day, I look forward to Pet Talk. I have not been here as long as most of you, but it has become part of my life.
    Thank you, Karen and Paul (whom I never had the pleasure to meet here on Pet Talk)
    Willa (5/1/1997-3/17/2018)

  10. #820
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    You know you are really pathetic when a girlfriend you haven't seen in ten yrs. invites herself over and she'll be here this Wed. You realize you only have two Christmas cards, and put some of the ones you saved, cuz they are cute out so she'll think you received more cards than you actually did. Then you realize one of the cards is one that she sent you last year. The other one is blank, one that's left over we didn't send and the other one is to my husband from our 2 cats 😸😼🤔

  11. #821
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    Truly, I have too much time on my hands. My freind is beautiful and would never notice I'll bet. She is a Jehovahs Witness, loves dogs, people and has not got a judgemental bone. I wonder if she'll like my new tattoo. It's a full sleeve and I just got it done 3 and a half weeks ago.....all at once. It's all healed but still a bit itchy. Pet talkers, never do it! I like the result, the artist was the very best professional but it was pure torture. So painful, freaking brutal freinds. I have a very high pain tolerance and I gotta say, torture is the best description. 6 hrs.lotsa blood. Like it now though.

  12. #822
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    A Poem for Lily

    Lily is a feline goddess
    She is the queen
    There will be no rhyme
    Lily does not care
    It's Lily's world
    Not ours, ha-ha
    She makes every rule
    She's heartless, she's loving
    Her beauty is beyond compare
    She's vicious and sweet
    So playful and spirited
    Sleepy and gluttonous
    Unpredictable, so scary
    Every day is Lily's day
    Her heart is wild and free
    Never underestimate our Lily
    Never tamed, no rules for her
    So beautiful
    Never take her for granted
    Always a kitten to us
    Vulnerable and sweet
    Violent and spooky
    Most gracious, terribly evil
    It is little Lily's world
    Make no mistake
    She takes no prisoners
    She expects excellence
    Deserves the best
    Lily gets what Lily wants
    Impossible one wee cat
    Such a delight
    So violent and unpredictable
    A joy to behold
    Her spirit burns so bright
    She is love

  13. #823
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    I just really wanted to express my love for my cat today. I will have to do that for Mia when I am moved, otherwise I'll feel guilty.

  14. #824
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
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    Mia is so fragile
    So old and sweet and kind
    She puts up with her rowdy sister
    No choice, must blow her mind

    Born with 3 legs and does not care
    She never missed a beat
    I was born this way, Mia knows
    I only need 3 feet.

    Mia is a precious cat
    She is the sweetest freind
    Her heart is made of solid gold
    We'll love her 'till the end

    We never saw a cat so proud
    She stood up tall and fine
    One paw short, who gives a sh*t
    I knew that she was mine

    Mia has always had
    The greatest self esteem
    She knows her family
    knows this too
    We're on Mia's team

    I'm not quite sure
    We could repay
    The joy that Mia gives
    But we will do the best we can
    Each moment Mia lives

  15. #825
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    You should post these in Cat General!
    I've Been Frosted

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