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Thread: Leash Training... HELP!

  1. #1

    Leash Training... HELP!

    Trying to get my 8 wk german shepherd mix pup used to his leash. We do not have a fence for our yard. When he has to go out, I let him out without a leash and he does well. He knows where our yard ends and will not go beyond that point. I have had him for a week and have not enforce a leash on him since he's small enough to carry right now when we are in public.
    -This is probably my fault giving him so much freedom

    Now trying to get him used to his leash. I have read online to get a treat and get him to walk a bit to get it.. Well, when he is on the leash he constant whines and pulls against it. he'll lay down after he calms down a bit. I'll put a treat a foot in front of him, and he completely ignores it. Since he ignores his treats I have tried his squeaky toys.. his ears will perk up, but then he gets stubborn and wont budge for it.

    Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Keep the leash on him while he is in the house AND WHILE YOU ARE HOME. Leashes do snag and catch on furniture, you don't want him stuck, lol.

    Let him get used to just dragging it around in the house. You will be busy, cooking, reading, TV, etc. Ignore his whining. He will adjust to the feel of it.

    Are you using a collar or a harness? Do you keep that on him while he is in the house? If not, he will be getting used to both. (I don't leave the harness on mine in the house, and I don't use a collar, so it is all a part of going outdoors for my crew.)

    Put it all on him, set the treat, a toy, and go about your business. He'll come around!

    You will notice him moving about from the corner of your eye. Don't make a big deal of it, just keep on what you are doing.

    Let us know how it goes!

  3. #3
    I'll try it! Thanks! I'll give an update in a couple days or so. Hopefully that works! lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Yes, he's still a baby, so everything is new. Getting him used to the leash is the first step - after all, you won't want to have to carry him around when he's full grown! Do let us know how it goes. He's gonna be a big guy, so things like leash manners are important to establish now, when you'll still much bugger than he is!
    I've Been Frosted

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Northern cyberspace
    I've always found letting pups drag the leashes around the house the easiest way to get them accustomed to it also. I used a shorter one so it wouldn't get snagged too often. After about a week you can hook the leash to your waist so he learns to follow you around the house, short sessions at a time.

    I've been frosted--- thank you Cassie'smom

    I've been Boo'd----

  6. #6
    Dont yell at me! I'm new to puppies! but.. I had him on a collar and leash. Went to petco and got a harness.. and ... WALA! HE WALKS! doesn't walk very well with manners.. but he walks and tries to bite my ankles. lol Its a step up from trying to get out of the thing and whining like Im physically hurting him! Now.. as far as manners... it might take a while. trying to also teach him stay and sit... ya.... he gets it sometimes but other times he too distracted and wants to play!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    That's okay, no one was yelling, glad he is getting accustomed to the whole leash concept. The important thing to remember at this stage is to keep training fun and in short sessions, and you're on your way to a great dog by the time he grows up!
    I've Been Frosted

  8. #8
    I didn't mean anyone was yelling, just that when I went to petco the lady looked at me like I was doing something horribly wrong when I said I was using a collar with the leash. Didn't want that some response so just saying Im new to puppies, lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Northern California
    Have you signed up for puppy kindergarten classes yet? I HIGHLY recommend signing up as soon as possible, as he'll be ready after 12 weeks... you should look for classes that are positive reinforcement only, and that include or offer puppy play classes, too. Puppy class is so important not only for training basic commands with distractions, but also for socialization with people and other puppies.

    It sounds like you're doing fine with your new pup. I put a harness on Fozzie when he was little, too, and he definitely prefered that. I would never allow the puppy off leash in your backyard. You can buy a really long leash (30+ feet) at any pet store for very cheap... just let him drag that around and step on it if/when he tries to explore outside of your yard. It's never too early to start practicing "come", too! Make sure that every time you say "come", you run the other way, act excited, and reward him with lots of treats and praise when he comes to you, and practice as often as possible.

    <3 Erica, Fozz n' Gonz

  10. #10


    Took Rocky for a walk around the block today which is about a mile. He did very well!!! He only pulled against it ONCE! (when he got tired and didn't want to go any further) lol. He plays fetch very well and brings his toy to me everytime. We leave our doors wide open in the house for some breeze and today he got up, went out the front door, peed, then came back inside and layed down. lol. He got a big treat for that one! and Normally we put him in his crate overnight... well I fell asleep on the couch all night and I got woken up in the morning by Rocky. He had not gone at all in the house!!!!! Took him outside and he went right away! OMG! Is he too good to be true or what?! I love him so much. Thanks for all the advice! It really helped Rocky get over his stubborness or fear or whatever of his leash!


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Sounds great! Just keep it up with the training and positive reinforcements - he's on his way to being a great dog!
    I've Been Frosted

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