
We use Exclusive Dog food. It's a super premium dog food without the cost. It's made with fresh chicken and has no preservatives. It's great food and you don't use as much because they use most of what they're fed (another bonus...not as much clean up). It's made by Purina Mills (NOT Purina Ralston...the checkerboard). There isn't any "chicken products" which translates to beaks, feet, and feathers and not a lot of grains...Science Diet's main protein source is peanut shells. I did a lot of research on food when Daisy had that HOD and I didn't find anything better for her than Exclusive. Ernie (who sells us ours) said that for large breed pups to start with the regular adult and then maybe switch to the low fat and they should grow very well. He knows what he's talking about too, he's been at this for over 25 years. He said he has a difficult time keeping the stuff on the shelf. They have regular Chicken and Rice, low fat chicken, lamb and rice, puppy formula, and senior formula. We pay $24.95 for a 35 pound bag, but they do have smaller bags, and after you buy 6 bags, the 7th bag is free. I checked on PMI's website and found some in Indy...the website is .

I found:

Ted's Feedstore
176 S Schaff St
Beech Grove, IN

Riley Bros. Sales
100 N 1st St
Zionsville, IN

Chuck's Wagon Feed and Nursery
6977 W. U.S. 36
Danville, IN

If you go to the website, you can put your zip code in and it will give you dealers within so many miles of your house.

Let me know if you want more info and I'd be happy to help.

Oh has glucosomine and chondrotin in it too.