I'm astounded at how quickly things have started to move with my music since I made the decision to follow my passion. I wrote before that I have started recording a CD of original music and that is going well. In fact, I mastered 6 songs to create an EP to distribute to "interested patrons" and sell at events to help fund the project.

I now have performances scheduled for tonight and tomorrow, a big event
on November 21 (Legendary Ladies of Music http://moxywomen.com/article.php?id=49 ), a showcase of my original music sponsered by Heartbeat Productions, a local company here in the Tampa Bay Area and a pending holiday performance in the middle of December! These all came to me - I didn't look for them at all. Just put the word out that I make music. . .and there it is!

I'm not giving up the safety net of my regular job just yet , but who knows? I'd love to make music a full-time endeavor. But I just wanted to say, please follow your hearts, live your passions. It's what you were put here to do! Just open the door and walk through. . .

Much love,