I have been away for a while again, caring for my sweet, sick Feisty.

It is with a deep heart that I write this. After 6 1/2 months of trying so hard to save our dear Feisty, we had to put her down on Wed. I have not posted this sooner as it is very hard on me to loose her. She was my little girl....and I miss her terribly. It seems she had FIP all along, but only recently started showing clinical signs. We gave her supportive care for about two weeks, but her belly only grew bigger and she only grew weaker. It was the right thing to do.

I miss her dearly and can still feel her face resting on my nose and her warm body on my chest. I will never forget her, as she changed my life for such a short time....her and her "Feisty ways". She was a fighter and had to be given two doses of meds to help her pass to the Rainbow Bridge, but she did in my arms with me telling her she will always be my Feisty girl.

R.I.P. my sweet Feisty....I love you and you will always be my little girl.