I am the type of person that when you walk into my home people always say "oh, how clean and organized".

HA! Little do they know!!

Right before they have arrived I have whisked away the pile of catalogs, misc. mail, pictures from my nephew (from last year) all of that stuff -
and I have put it into a stack hidden from view. Now I have the very best intention of doing something about that stack say, on the weekend. The only thing is that "weekend" passed over ten months ago.

Finally I moved one stack from a chair in my bedroom to another chair in my home computer room. That stack has been there all year - if there are two people in the room the "stack" has to go on the floor. But hey, I didn't have to look at it in my bedroom anymore.

Well finally today was THE DAY! I brought all of the hidden stacks into one room and tackled them with the intent to throw as much as possible away.

Last year's catalogs went first - uh, last year's Christmas cards after carefully keeping the return addresses got tossed too.

Disturbing to find a check uncashed - granted it was not for very much money - but even so - how dumb is that - now that it has expired?

Please understand - my bills don't go into stacks - it is far too dangerous - I have a special place for them and they are dealt with on time.

But the endless amount of "stuff" that just stacks up will be my undoing.

I may have learned my lesson though - in the stack was a sweet postcard from a cousin. My intent on that "weekend" was to write him back.
I can't do that now - he passed away in September. It brought me to tears.

How could life be that busy that you cannot get these things done?

Am I alone out here in Stackafornia - or do any of you have the same problem?

Oh, and thanks for listening. At least this post only ends up on the computer "stack" and I don't have to move it from chair to chair.