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Thread: Advice - I'm late :`(

  1. #16
    I took the test last week & it came up negative & the stupid clinic told me to see MY Dr. Great.. i don't have a farken Dr. in this City.

    I'm still late & for the past month I've felt weird.. like I'm gonna get my period everyday but it never comes? Its kinda like that feeling you get when your gonna sneeze & it never comes & it drives you nuts & you don't feel satisfied.. well I kinda feel like that, but not in my nose LOL

    I'm trying to find a Dr. that speaks english in my area & so far there are a lot of non-English speaking Dr. I need someone with a slight to no accent cause if it's strong I wont understand them (hearing issue) *pulls out hair*

    I'm less stressed now as I feel like I've lifted that huge weight off my shoulders by just talking on here.. but I'm slightly stressed. BUT just encase I upped my veggie intake to up my vitamin intake. I'm not a pill popper unless I have to be. I can eat any food that I need to get the vitamins I require. For 2 I just need to eat more veggies.

    I made a HUGE pot of Veggie Soup. Beets, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Squash, & Broccoli. I blended & mixed it all together.. it's really good & full of awesome vitamins! The Sweet Potatoes adds a little sugar to make it more tasty! It's thick just like whipped potato, however it's red cause of the beets lol

    I'm not big into processed doo doo food, & I'm allergic to a lot of chemicals, so I should be good to go.. just encase.. but even if I'm not & my body is just playing a trick on me, I eat like this all the time anyways

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Chihuahua, Mexico
    take another test.. there might be a case of a false negative... maybe your hormone levels are a bit low...

    but a blood test should confirm it better... and in case you really are negative the dr. appointment is right in order... you better get yourself checked just to be sure it´s nothing else messing with you period...
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  3. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Husky_mom View Post
    take another test.. there might be a case of a false negative... maybe your hormone levels are a bit low...

    but a blood test should confirm it better... and in case you really are negative the dr. appointment is right in order... you better get yourself checked just to be sure it´s nothing else messing with you period...
    I'll take another test while I hunt for a Dr. another negative is gonna start to freak me out cause so far I'm the ONLY female that hasn't had any sort of "Female Cancer" on my mom's side (just my tree).. soo now I'm starting to worry about that My dad's side is Cancer free. His dad had cancer but we gave that to himself & I highly doubt that genetics had anything to do with it. My dad's family only had high blood pressure, BUT once again those individuals did it to themselves.

    My grandma had it in her 50's & had EVERYTHING removed, it was bad apparently. Rotting or something
    My mom had it in her 30's & had everything removed.
    My sister had it when she was 18 but it was only cirvical & she's been clean since.
    Me ... so this is one reason I'd be totally cool if I was preg. I'd rather be preg then have cancer & get everything ripped out & be 100% infertile... argg...

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    In the US, we have health clinics, Planned Parenthood, city clinics, etc. It is a very simple blood test here. Doesn't Canada have something similar? My fear would be that you ARE pregnant and not taking prenatals, or eating properly.

  5. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Cataholic View Post
    In the US, we have health clinics, Planned Parenthood, city clinics, etc. It is a very simple blood test here. Doesn't Canada have something similar? My fear would be that you ARE pregnant and not taking prenatals, or eating properly.
    I know it's a simple blood test & was kinda shocked they told me to see my Dr. I thought the clinics did that stuff... well the ones on Ottawa did... they also made you pee in a cup too (had to do this to renew medication through a clinic)... I know race can be a big issue here in the city so sometimes its really hard to find a Dr. My last Dr. here in the city was a nightmare! After 1 visit I downright refused to let her near me again, horrid ignorant woman she was! Now that I think of it.. all 5 Dr. I had to deal with here in the city were really bad (dumb, ignorant, down right racist).

    oh how I wish I was in Ottawa right about now.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Oh Jess, at least the test came up negative. You might want to try another one, and take it first thing in the morning. I'm surprised that the clinic told you to see your doctor too. Do you have any pregnancy clinics in your area? I don't know if it's the same there but I know that we have free clinics where you can get tested and counseling if needed. Good luck ((((hugs))))

  7. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by JenBKR View Post
    Oh Jess, at least the test came up negative. You might want to try another one, and take it first thing in the morning. I'm surprised that the clinic told you to see your doctor too. Do you have any pregnancy clinics in your area? I don't know if it's the same there but I know that we have free clinics where you can get tested and counseling if needed. Good luck ((((hugs))))
    To be honest, I have no idea. I'll have to look it up tonight.

  8. #23
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    There are lots and lots of reasons you might miss a period or three, but going to the doctor is the best thing to do at this point. Many of them do not involve cancer, or pregnancy, but all are good to get checked out, and to know for sure. Be persistent in finding yourself a doc whom you can understand and vice versa, though at this point, even an appointment with someone with an accent who might have an assistant handy to "translate" would be acceptable, just to get an appointment and a diagnosis.

    And of course, eating more veggies is always good. I'm jealous, I am allergic to so many veggies now!
    I've Been Frosted

  9. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    There are lots and lots of reasons you might miss a period or three, but going to the doctor is the best thing to do at this point. Many of them do not involve cancer, or pregnancy, but all are good to get checked out, and to know for sure. Be persistent in finding yourself a doc whom you can understand and vice versa, though at this point, even an appointment with someone with an accent who might have an assistant handy to "translate" would be acceptable, just to get an appointment and a diagnosis.

    And of course, eating more veggies is always good. I'm jealous, I am allergic to so many veggies now!
    If I can't find an English Dr. this week, I'll lower my standards for next week for someone with a bad accent, but friendly.

    I don't think I could live without veggies! I love them sooo much! On the 24th I'm going to St. Jacobs with a group of 30~50 & we're hitting the Menanite (SP?) Market. I plan to buy tons of Zucchini, Butter Nut Squash, Sweet Potatoes, & Beets! I'll stock pile all the stuff Digi can eat & will freeze it. I can get 20 MASSIVE Zucchini for 5$ there! Thats a crazy savings! I just hope I get my freezer in time

  10. #25
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    There are many nurse practitioners in your area. Why not try to see one untill you find a doctor. I wouldn't rely on a home pregnancy test if you're not feeling well on top of everything else. If there is an underlying issue it should be looked after as soon as possible.

  11. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Asiel View Post
    There are many nurse practitioners in your area. Why not try to see one untill you find a doctor. I wouldn't rely on a home pregnancy test if you're not feeling well on top of everything else. If there is an underlying issue it should be looked after as soon as possible.
    nurse practitioners? What that?

  12. #27
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse who has extra training in the diagnosis and treatment of common medical problems. Often, a nurse practitioner has the all knowledge needed to help someone, and if they do not, they then refer you to a physician, or have one that's also part of that practice see you.
    I've Been Frosted

  13. #28
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    Virginia, USA
    In my early twenties, I stopped having periods for about 4 mos. I took home pregnancy tests which were negative, so I made an appt w/ my gyno. They did a blood test and it was negative, so she put me on meds to make me start my period again. Never pinpointed why mine stopped in the first place. So it could be just a thing. I wouldn't worry just yet.

  14. #29
    I've been irregular since my teens. Missing 2, 3 and yes, even up to 9 months of my period. The longest was almost 2 years. I didn't go to the gyno regularly, which is my fault, but to me it was great not having my period, lol.

    I've had some scares where I thought I might have been pregnant, but all tests came back negative, even at the doctor's office. I'd definitely ask them to run more tests if they can't figure out why you didn't have your period and you are not pregnant. For me, I was diagnosed as having amenorrhea, or something.... I don't ovulate. They said I'll probably never have kids, and at this point, I'm almost 40, that's fine by me. I'd love to have kids, don't get me wrong, but it's ok if I don't.

    When I did go to the gyno, I did see the certified registered nurse practitioner. I also see one at my regular doctor's office. I like them very much and would recommend using one if you cannot find a doctor to your liking.

  15. #30
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    I've had a hormone imbalance since I was 16 which I've been reassured will correct itself. I can go all year without having a period or I'll have one a year. Which is as wonderful as it's sounds. I'd see the first doctor you feel comfortable with ASAP.
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