Thank you guys for all the hugs and well wishes; they are so very encouraging.

It's been a long night and an even longer day... I think I'm headed to bed as soon as I post this update. *yawn*

I ended up calling the answering service last night; after describing everything, it was decided to haul her back in this morning. As I thought, she has a UTI. Antibiotics and a pain-killer later, we're home and *crosses fingers* seem to be improving. He sent the UA off to test for ecoli (she'd had that before with the other UTI). We'll know the results of that in a few days.

The Good News: She met me at the door when I got home from work and ate for me just a little bit. She'd also peed in her box some. Right now, she is parked on my lap, purring.

HOPEFULLY, PRAYERFULLY, & THANKFULLY we are on the up-hill swing. (Please, oh please, oh please!)

Again, thank you all for buoying my spirit.